Did not read entire thread. Sounds nice for family freedom to do things on weekends, a headache for childcare, and thinking about future employers, it is really going to get hard to find help that wants to work in the future. Going to need a lot of adapting in the future!
From what I have heard, part of making school 4 days a week is to attract teachers to the profession. Every year teachers leave the classroom for better opportunities (like getting paid more and not being treated horribly by parents while working for unsupportive administrators). I read once that half or more teachers quit the job in five years or less. Also, colleges have less interest in teacher education programs so fewer new teachers are graduating. The state of Alaska started the last school year with a shortage of over 1000 teachers across the state.
Administration teaches changing every year, constant turnover in the buildings, more restrictions etc etc. add that to the fact that the vast majority of parents are unsupportive, they complain that their kid isn’t getting the help they need when they aren’t even willing to work with the teacher. Kids get sent out of the room for acting crazy and administrators send the kid back to class within 5 minutes. Meetings at the end of long work days, a very slow path towards financial independence (do any states even start new teachers out of college for more than 50k/year?).
All in all teaching is an absolutely horrific way to spend the best years of your life. Lots of people are starting to become aware of this and are trying to find ways to incentivize people to teach. A three day weekend is a good start.
Imagine having a class of 35-45 kids that are lazy, rude and performing at levels far below their grade would suggest. Add in parents who think that’s the teachers fault and have zero interest in putting any effort into helping their kid. Parents who just drop their kids off so they can drink and smoke weed all day, kids who have been up all night playing video games, their parents drop them off with cans of red bull and an empty stomach.
To make it worse, administrators don’t care, they became admins because they realized how terrible teaching is and saw they could make 130k + a year and not have to teach by getting into administration.
Yeah teaching is awesome.