As a resident of this great pot smoking, tree hugging, liberal state, the majority of this problem lies at the foot of the CPW. They had over 2500 archery hunters in the unit I hunt 4 years ago, Granted thats too damn many, but they let the herd numbers get to less than 50 percent of 10 years ago, and we bitched hard at them that they had a problem. So they put the southern third of the state on a draw....archery only....and didn;t touch Otc rifle tags. Why? Money. The come one -come all hunting mantra cannot be sustained...and they know it. But again, money trumps sustainability. No matter how you slice the extra apps, the underlying problems are still the same. We've got Cpw field officers who have quit, or would like to, because the Wildlife Commission does not listen to their advice anymore. Now if it's wolves or a special interest group, roll out the red carpet.
I have a sister who has a Phd in zoology , does impact studies and other funded bs. She made a comment 5 years ago that at the time i dismissed as political postulating, but she said that there are too many of us 2 legged upright's for Mother Earth to sustain, and in the coming years we would all begin to see it. I think she's on to something, and this increase can be partly attributed to the fact that there are just more people.
And yes, the career hunters are coming out of the woodwork. The Youtube generation is upon us and these career guys are creating a new type of hunter who conducts military exercises in the outback and when they get done with an area, the animals are either dead or 20 miles away. Seminars are a dime a dozen, with these career guys lugging around trophy heads and wanna be's leaving and salivating at the chance to get in the woods and try out their tactics, It's the commercialization of hunting and that's an oxymoron....and it ain't gonna stop,