340 vs 338-378

Neither rifle appeals to me, but I do like the .340 Weatherby cartridge. Brass is cheaper or can be made from other sources, like Remington 375 H&H.
Put both cartridges in a stainless model 70 or 700 and I'd be reaching for the 340.
I went with the 340 Weatherby. The rifle was actually lighter than the 338/378 and even though it’s about 25-30 years old, it’s in mint condition. The bore looks pristine.

I got 256 rounds of brass/loaded ammo, dies, three sets of base/rings and 350 Nosler partitions in 210 grain to reload with. All for 1200.
Good choice, you'll be plenty happy with it. If any of the ammo is handloaded verify by pulling a couple apart to check the charge weight against loading data. Unless it's an extremely trusted person, it's worth the time to do that.

Bores typically look pretty good on used rifles in the larger cartridges. I have a friend that's a big Weatherby fan. He shot smaller cartridges for practice and the 340 was shot less (after working up loads), to verify zero and taken in the field successfully just about every year.
That’s great news! A light ish 340 will turn into a favorite rifle. Reloading components really add up quick and those 210’s have a great reputation.
These days I'm having some second thoughts about brakes. I finally found some electronic ear muffs I like (walker quad pros) and can tolerate wearing for 3 or 4 hours with very short breaks. I could tolerate hunting with a muzzle brake now i think.