308win vs 6.5 CM - thoughts and questions

I think that 308 has killed some bigger critters with a 155 scenar, perhaps? 😁
Ohh, one or two... :)

But I did not want to derail this thread with all that.

Funny thing is that I was shooting a .260:


before the 6.5 was even around, and I don't recall all this drama between the Creedtards and the .308 shooters.
As a guy who has all 3 (6.5 Manbun, .308 Grandpa, and .260RemingtonCantsupportAcartridgeTosavetheir lives) , it is silly. So much hype..

The part that cracks me up is that many can't seem to figure out (or deliberately choose to ignore, so they can champion their flavor of the week) that you can put a heavy for caliber, high BC VLD type bullet in a 6.5 case, 7-08 case, .308, case, etc, and the results start looking more alike than different, instead of what is typically done, which is compare the highest performing load, with a mediocre one.

I’ve killed a lot of animals with both. I’ve had front row seats to even more. From antelope to deer to elk. I’ve seen my own hits and the hits of others while spotting. I honestly can’t tell a difference. I like the 6.5 a little better with its slightly better ballistics and slightly less recoil. I like the .308, too. I also like .284 in almost anything. 6mm’s are good, too. My buddies and I shoot more than most. Shooting is fun. I’ve noticed that the more you shoot, the more questions get answered.
I’ve killed a lot of animals with both. I’ve had front row seats to even more. From antelope to deer to elk. I’ve seen my own hits and the hits of others while spotting. I honestly can’t tell a difference. I like the 6.5 a little better with its slightly better ballistics and slightly less recoil. I like the .308, too. I also like .284 in almost anything. 6mm’s are good, too. My buddies and I shoot more than most. Shooting is fun. I’ve noticed that the more you shoot, the more questions get answered.

Funny how that works. When you shoot a lot, there seems to be very little difference.

I tend to shoot a little bit, and buy projectiles in bulk due to that:

and I have noticed that the elk sure don't like a well practiced rifleman, even if he is shooting an "obsolete" cartridge.
In regards to the original question, if reducing recoil due to a shoulder injury/flinching is the primary concern, I don’t find my 6.5 CM to kick substantially less than my .30-06 with 150 gr bullets in the same rifles.

The “barrel life” part of the equation is a non issue unless you’re competing. It’s not as if the barrel just refuses to work when it’s worn out, it’s more along the lines of it starts shooting 3/4”-1” groups rather than 1/2” groups. Most will never shoot enough for it to even get there.

I’d buy a brake for the range, or set up a .223 trainer with the same scope, stock, etc. They are a ton of fun and you can easily shoot 100 rounds in a session without beating yourself up a bit.