Thanks for the helpful advice and concern for my financial well-being. I guess I opened a can of worms with that “paid off my debt” comment.
For the record, I’ve been a home owner since 2014. The debt was mostly from college. I worked hard to pay everything off so now my only monthly obligations are mortgage and bills. I bought my bow in 2011 (mid range hoyt) and haven’t upgraded. My 308 is stock and was bought in 2012 or 2013, can’t remember.
I’ve saved cash for this “build” and am ready to have some fun after years of financial discipline.
Regardless, after digesting the comments and taking time to think about what I want in a rifle, I’ll be keeping the 308. Maybe I’ll invest in a limbsaver and/or a suppressor if my shoulder can’t learn to live with the recoil. if I want to make it more custom I can always get some after market parts (stock, trigger, etc).
thanks again guys, the wisdom and willingness to share is very much appreciated.