my go-to rifle is a 30-06. It's also wood stocked, and blued. It works well for what I use it for. It is also THE quintessential rifle in my area, and its the gun I lusted after for a few years when I started hunting and finally bought, so in large part 30+ years later its an emotional thing. I dont think there is any big game critter in north america that this isnt perfectly effective and appropriate for, and I happily continue to use it and will do so for as long as I can still get out and hunt. Personally I've killed many deer, plus antelope and elk with it.
That said, if I didnt have sentimentalism and history with it, I would not recommend it.
1) it's more than I need for any of the above critters. I use copper monos specifically to reduce the size of the wound, becasue regular ammo was destroying a significant amount of the meat on the deer I shot.
2) the recoil isnt "too much", its not about pain. BUT while hunting even if I'm pretty certain to only need one shot, it recoils enough that its very hard to keep the animal in the scope to see the reaction and direction of travel at the shot. Perhaps not an issue at longer ranges and in open terrain where you can look up and see it, but for the bayonet-range hunting in thick brush where I use this gun, the deer is gone in an instant--the recoil makes seeing the animals reaction and where it went extremely difficult, if not impossible, a significant % of the time. Also, recoil is cumulative so a harder recoiling gun is unpleasant to practice with (ask any trap or sporting clays shooter, especially the old guy who uses a release trigger due to decades of recoil-induced nerve damage), and consequently I dont practice nearly as much with this rifle as I do with others...and consequently I shoot the other rifles better.
That said, if I didnt have sentimentalism and history with it, I would not recommend it.
1) it's more than I need for any of the above critters. I use copper monos specifically to reduce the size of the wound, becasue regular ammo was destroying a significant amount of the meat on the deer I shot.
2) the recoil isnt "too much", its not about pain. BUT while hunting even if I'm pretty certain to only need one shot, it recoils enough that its very hard to keep the animal in the scope to see the reaction and direction of travel at the shot. Perhaps not an issue at longer ranges and in open terrain where you can look up and see it, but for the bayonet-range hunting in thick brush where I use this gun, the deer is gone in an instant--the recoil makes seeing the animals reaction and where it went extremely difficult, if not impossible, a significant % of the time. Also, recoil is cumulative so a harder recoiling gun is unpleasant to practice with (ask any trap or sporting clays shooter, especially the old guy who uses a release trigger due to decades of recoil-induced nerve damage), and consequently I dont practice nearly as much with this rifle as I do with others...and consequently I shoot the other rifles better.