My last Tikka T3X 30-06 - looking to re barrel to 7BC or sell ?

Mar 11, 2014
I have one more Tikka T3X in stainless 30-06 that I havent really used-I chopped the other (got em on a deal) I'm not a big 30-06 fan. This was going to be for a project, then the 7BC came out. I am really interested in grabbing a barrel for this- seems like an easy swap- same action and bolt face. I am no expert but this action is only a year old- should handle it right? Does anyone know of an aftermarket maker doing just barrels for 7BC yet? OR- should I just sell it and get a new rifle designed for it. Not too worried about the money. I have a suppressed tikka 30-06 w/ a DA nomad ti xc - not a huge fan- cant get over the loss in velocity and I dont re load
No most modern actions are not rated to handle that pressure. Some of the 700 clones probably are. That’s the whole reason seekins had to redesign there action.
I’ve been thinking about exactly this. I noticed on BSF’s configurator you can order a 7BC prefit for tikka. Not sure if they have tested it with the action or if it’s actually orderable but it’s selectable. Maybe worth giving them a call. I thought an 18” would be pretty sweet.