2nd shingles vaccine dose

Had a guy that I worked with decide that he was healthy and didn't need to get the shingles virus shots. When he came down with shingles, he weighed 165 pounds. At the pinnacle of his fight, he had dropped to 98 pounds! He had a rash over almost his entire body. The rash on his face got so bad that the doctors thought that he might even lose his sight.

I'm not a real vaccine guy, (as one that is still suffering from ill effects of the covid shots) and I don't get a flu shot BUT I did get my shingles vaccine. A day or two of pain is really worth it.
Yup. The shot blows. Shingles is worse. I had a guy tell me he's been in two wars. Got shot in twice. Got shingles (not while at war). Shingles was worse than getting shot twice.
Hope yer coming round. Shingles just hurt. I got a relatively mild bout once. Riding out what you're dealing with is a hard thing. Prayers sent to the Great Physician for healing.
If you already had shingles your chances of getting it the 2nd time is about 30% and it will be much more mild. The odds of getting it a 3rd time is less than 3% so think about that if you already had shingles. I had it twice, the first time was super nasty, the second time was very mild. I have no intentions of getting any vaccine for shingles. My sister didnt listen to my advice, she got shingles on her head about 2 months ago and it was pretty bad, she missed some work. It still bothers her yet, but its getting better. Dont take the risk..get the vaccines. BTW, you can get the vaccines at any age, it's just that your insurance wont pay unless you are 50+....it was 60 until I got it...then a year later it was moved to 50....dirty rats.
Got shingles in May between my shoulder blades. It itched, burned and hurt at the same time. Took a month to clear and I got both shots. Second one kicked my butt and I think cause me to come down with my first case that I’m aware of Covid. Fun times. I spend part of my summer in fire camps. Those places are Petri dishes for diseases. So I’ve had all the Covid shots. When I get a cold I usually end up with bronchitis so I’m not taking any chances with Covid. The second round of shingles vaccine fallout was far worse than the Covid.
This is an interesting thread for my first post. I’m 66, haven’t gotten a shingles vaccine yet, but realize I should. I thought it was one single shot and done. Not too excited about getting two shots for shingles.

I haven’t gotten a flu vaccine shot in over 25 years, and haven’t had the flu in that time either. I did get a pneumonia vaccine, as well as a number that are advised for Africa like yellow fever, cholera, typhoid, hepatitis vaccines. Only ever got one Clovis vaccine and it was the J&J as I didn’t trust the MRNA vaccines. Got Covid 3 times that I know of but worst was a mild head cold for a few days.

But still haven’t gotten a shingles vaccine. Sounds like I need to do it.