I stumbled across this site by accident a few weeks ago while researching 7mm-08 terminal performance because I want a more compact rifle with less recoil that I would want to shoot more often. I saw a comment from Mr. Form talking in depth about 6.5 CM vs. 7mm-08, which led me down a rabbit hole to here. I'm 50 pages and 1,000 comments in with 9,000 more comments to go. My wife is starting to get suspicious and jealous since I've been glued to my phone the past few nights, lol.
I'm in my early 30s, and I've been hunting my whole life, but nothing serious like y'all do here. I sort of just accepted all the conventional fuddlore from mainstream forums and YouTube and didn't think much past it. I've been shooting a .30-06 since I was 14 because that's what I was told was needed to anchor 120-lb Deep South whitetails.
Anyway, this isn't a particularly noteworthy comment, but I just wanted to express my gratitude for totally changing my viewpoint and educating me. I still have a lot to learn, but knowing that my dream of a short, handy, mild-recoiling rifle that's capable of ethically harvesting big game is a reality is exciting.