.223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

I get it. It's tiresome to see the same argument over and over by people who clearly haven't read any of it. But this thread has become quite the obese momonster.
I agree but also disagree, if one is willing to sift through all of it, there's some very good data, arguments and proof. But, one also has be willing to have a more open mind on the subject, I feel most of the noobs who are just commenting one comment then never reappear aren't even willing to debate it or have a open eye on it. So no matter if this was only a 10 reply thread, you'd still have the same guys adding their vague argument.
If only there was a way to lock commenting until you’ve viewed every page. Like those terms and agreements that you have to scroll through the whole thing before it lets you click the box.
Wait, you're supposed to read that stuff? I just scroll until I can sign it. Then I blame the world when I get screwed over.
Can we at least agree that future bullet/ammo/gun sourcing topics should be directed to another thread? I’m aware of a thread for built rokslide special guns, but there is such a cult following for one specific recipe that I think it warrants a rifle “how-to” thread for first timers as well as a “where to source” 223 hunting ammo and reloading components thread. That would really clean up this one by sticking to terminal performance.
I agree but also disagree, if one is willing to sift through all of it, there's some very good data, arguments and proof. But, one also has be willing to have a more open mind on the subject, I feel most of the noobs who are just commenting one comment then never reappear aren't even willing to debate it or have a open eye on it. So no matter if this was only a 10 reply thread, you'd still have the same guys adding their vague argument.
I agree. Though, I avoided even opening this thread as I disagreed with it for a few years. Then @fwafwow drug me into it with the bear stuff, then I read it all, then I changed my mind.

This has certainly become an unreadable morass, I don't even try to keep up with it, and open it to read the last page or two about once a month.
Wait, you're supposed to read that stuff? I just scroll until I can sign it. Then I blame the world when I get screwed over.

Can we at least agree that future bullet/ammo/gun sourcing topics should be directed to another thread? I’m aware of a thread for built rokslide special guns, but there is such a cult following for one specific recipe that I think it warrants a rifle “how-to” thread for first timers as well as a “where to source” 223 hunting ammo and reloading components thread. That would really clean up this one by sticking to terminal performance.
This would be nice, but I don't think it would happen. There are several threads on 223 loading, but they don't get the traffic and responses like this one does.
This would be nice, but I don't think it would happen. There are several threads on 223 loading, but they don't get the traffic and responses like this one does.
If it's started and monitored by a knowledgeable WKR or admin it could do well. I've seen a few come and go by newbies looking for some advice but none that I can remember being specifically related to the "rokslide preferred" 223 hunting loads.
I have an a 223 remington 700 from 2012-ish. It doesn't give the twist rate. What do you think it would be? 1:10? What bullet would you recommend for bear and deer? I want my son to use the gun when he starts out.
I think I have one that's a couple years older, it's not 1:10 for sure. I think mine is 1:12.

The best I've used on deer is 64gr WW PowerPoint, or 64gr Nosler bsb. I do have 50gr ttsx loaded right now but have not killed anything big with them.

Mine is very accurate with 45gr tsx and the 50gr ttsx. Hornady 55gr sp are accurate enough, but I didn't spend much time on them.
If it's started and monitored by a knowledgeable WKR or admin it could do well. I've seen a few come and go by newbies looking for some advice but none that I can remember being specifically related to the "rokslide preferred" 223 hunting loads.
This would be nice, but I don't think it would happen. There are several threads on 223 loading, but they don't get the traffic and responses like this one does.
I started a 223 Loads thread in the reloading section. In post #7 I was directed to this thread for all my 223 questions.
It doesn’t seem like separating the different entities is wanted.
.223 is perfect for deer, with a few important points though. ..you have to use a slow expansion bullet. keep shots under 150 yards. obviously others here will debate but believe me. my picks are barnes tsx as mentioned above or better winchester deer season...the bullet has to be slow expanding.
what not to do...dont use varmint rounds up close, no penetrate
dont use fmj or matchkings far out. theyll wound but not good enuf
do not try headshots they nearly never work on deer anatomy
ok let flames start .

Whenever you see ".223" in regards to hunting big game

.223 is perfect for deer, with a few important points though. ..you have to use a slow expansion bullet. keep shots under 150 yards. obviously others here will debate but believe me. my picks are barnes tsx as mentioned above or better winchester deer season...the bullet has to be slow expanding.
what not to do...dont use varmint rounds up close, no penetrate
dont use fmj or matchkings far out. theyll wound but not good enuf
do not try headshots they nearly never work on deer anatomy
ok let flames start .
Flame? No…. Maybe suggest you might read the thread and look at the wound channel pictures. The results might surprise you.
Hunters love to exaggerate how big/tough/hard to kill that animals are.
This is correct. The topic at hand was bears. In my experience:

Bears are quite easy to kill and die fairly quickly. The thing with shooting a bear is they often move around if hunting them over bait or an elk/deer carcass. Wait until the bear stops rocking back and forth and moving about. Over water they are easier to shoot. Once shot, tracking a bear can be a bit more challenging because the length and coarseness of their hair follicles/hide soaks up some blood (compared to any animal with a shorter hair follicle, less dense coat), the dense habitat in which they live, and the fact that they often run on top of down/dead logs, even after being shot. All that being said, they die quite quickly and are not really that "tough" as some would like to image.

Elk also die rather easily. The correct projectile placed in the vitals does the job quickly. They are not very "tough" as some would like to describe them and only appear to be so when shot in the wrong location. They cover quite a bit of ground with their long strides and can navigate difficult terrain quite easily.

This thread demonstrates that a properly placed, appropriate .223 round, or other sufficient projectile, will kill either one fairly easily.
Luckily instead of listening to your random uninformed opinion, there’s a thread with hundreds of posts with pictures that proves you are incorrect. Let me see if I can find it for you. Oh right, it’s the one you’re actually in right now…
Not really, he said he would not recommend it. I disagree with his implied reasoning, but I cannot disagree with him stating what he would or would not recommend, even if I disagree with the recommendation.