I haven't made it all the way through this beast yet, but, before I lose my thought and patience (been chewing through this thread slowly for months). I've gotta ask the experts; what do you think of a barnes or better yet an absolute hammer or black hills dual performance through a shoulder vs your beloved TMK (NOT through the shoulder I assume?)? I'm thinking elk or big muleys... Just curious, I won't be setting down my new 6.5cm for this (got it for open country out to 500 yards IF I can make the grade at the range), but I have downgraded my 4lb contender from 30-30 to .223 for small spring black bears, thanks to this thread. I shoot monos for the birds and kids, and haven't lost an elk with barnes, but switching to dual performance, or A hammers if the DP's don't perform. Thanks for the thread!
*Edit. And with the should shots, how does the meat damage compare between the two? Monos on shoulder vs tmk in the ribs?
My limited experience with barnes (150 gr. .308), I've killed about 7 elk, and 5-7 deer, never hit a shoulder on the way in, and I only remember hitting one shoulder on the way out, and the meat damage wasn't nearly as bad as a lead bullet. I'm patient and shoot through the lungs, but always up for improvement...