.223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

I intended on posting this awhile ago, anyways 75gr ELD atop 25gr of varget 2.420 oal through a tikka lite. Shot was approximately 75 yards. In order; entry with front shoulder removed, off side with bullet under skin, and recovered bullet. I was impressed with how quickly the ELD expanded with a several inch hole there in the ribs. He maybe went 10 yards.
Today I shot another two roe deer does with the same 75gr ELD’s at a MV of 2,920 fps in my 5,6x50R in very different circumstances and this is how the bullets performed.
The first shot was taken at 363 yds, slightly quartering away, and the bullet touched no bone on its entry missing the rib. The bullet broke two ribs on its way out and both lungs presented a lot of damage, more the offside than the onside one.99AE9934-052E-4632-9B22-10F221848B0F.jpeg036FF60A-7249-454F-B731-E8DC3B57ACBE.jpeg

The second doe I shot quartering on from 86 yds and hit her at the point of the shoulder. The lung of the entry side was pulp but there was still a lot of damage in the opposite one. The bullet still managed to pass through the hole in which I plugged in the stick por the picture.675C4D37-BF27-4CC9-B283-974F7813FCFD.jpegD6DB6761-430D-43B3-8B95-4868F7F5B1AC.jpeg

In my opinion they performed quite well in very different circumstances.

Shows 1:8

But when I look at that product SKU on europtic it says 1:10. I guess we're all waiting on pins and needles to see! I personally can't get the thought out of my head that I need one of the 1:8 22-250 models.
Mine’s arriving 1/17, I’ll measure as soon as it’s in my hands. Heck I’ll probably measure it at the FFL.
Thanks to @Formidilosus and everyone for a very informative thread.

I saw these Federal Tactical 77 TMK was in stock and ordered some. Although blue rather than green tip seems like the same TMK. Hope it helps someone looking.

Anyone shot any of this stuff? I cant find time for the load bench and was ready to pull the trigger but it's gone now..
I haven't made it all the way through this beast yet, but, before I lose my thought and patience (been chewing through this thread slowly for months). I've gotta ask the experts; what do you think of a barnes or better yet an absolute hammer or black hills dual performance through a shoulder vs your beloved TMK (NOT through the shoulder I assume?)? I'm thinking elk or big muleys... Just curious, I won't be setting down my new 6.5cm for this (got it for open country out to 500 yards IF I can make the grade at the range), but I have downgraded my 4lb contender from 30-30 to .223 for small spring black bears, thanks to this thread. I shoot monos for the birds and kids, and haven't lost an elk with barnes, but switching to dual performance, or A hammers if the DP's don't perform. Thanks for the thread!

*Edit. And with the shoulder shots, how does the meat damage compare between the two? Monos on shoulder vs tmk in the ribs?
My limited experience with barnes (150 gr. .308), I've killed about 7 elk, and 5-7 deer, never hit a shoulder on the way in, and I only remember hitting one shoulder on the way out, and the meat damage wasn't nearly as bad as a lead bullet. I'm patient and shoot through the lungs, but always up for improvement...
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I haven't made it all the way through this beast yet, but, before I lose my thought and patience (been chewing through this thread slowly for months). I've gotta ask the experts; what do you think of a barnes or better yet an absolute hammer or black hills dual performance through a shoulder vs your beloved TMK (NOT through the shoulder I assume?)? I'm thinking elk or big muleys... Just curious, I won't be setting down my new 6.5cm for this (got it for open country out to 500 yards IF I can make the grade at the range), but I have downgraded my 4lb contender from 30-30 to .223 for small spring black bears, thanks to this thread. I shoot monos for the birds and kids, and haven't lost an elk with barnes, but switching to dual performance, or A hammers if the DP's don't perform. Thanks for the thread!

*Edit. And with the should shots, how does the meat damage compare between the two? Monos on shoulder vs tmk in the ribs?
My limited experience with barnes (150 gr. .308), I've killed about 7 elk, and 5-7 deer, never hit a shoulder on the way in, and I only remember hitting one shoulder on the way out, and the meat damage wasn't nearly as bad as a lead bullet. I'm patient and shoot through the lungs, but always up for improvement...
Make it all the way through the thread. There's dozens of photos of the tmk going through elk, bear and moose shoulders.
If your happy with monos, cool, but this is to the thread to discuss their lack of merit.
Here's a fairly calm dumpster fire about monos
Make it all the way through the thread. There's dozens of photos of the tmk going through elk, bear and moose shoulders.
If your happy with monos, cool, but this is to the thread to discuss their lack of merit.
Here's a fairly calm dumpster fire about monos
Thanks man
Vantage Reloading has 77tmk in stock, they are not listed on their website but if you contact them you can order. The place seems legit I ordered up a flat rate box full and they were delivered today. Looks like he is only selling in 500ct boxes though so no small quantities.

Not sure if I can post a link to their site with contact info here or not? I found the guy on a Facebook group and chatted with him a bit and then took a chance and everything was in order.
Vantage Reloading has 77tmk in stock, they are not listed on their website but if you contact them you can order. The place seems legit I ordered up a flat rate box full and they were delivered today. Looks like he is only selling in 500ct boxes though so no small quantities.

Not sure if I can post a link to their site with contact info here or not? I found the guy on a Facebook group and chatted with him a bit and then took a chance and everything was in order.
Can you PM me his information please?
I have his contact info I just don’t know about posting it here. I’m not trying to advertise for him just trying to help some people get the bullets, the price was decent pretty well in line with prices before they became unavailable.
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I have his contact info I just don’t know about posting it here. I’m not trying to advertise for him just trying to help some people get the bullets, the price was decent pretty well in line with prices before they became unavailable.

As long as it isn't a scam, you can post the information.
As long as it isn't a scam, you can post the information.

I had zero issues, paid for the product and it came as advertised problem free just like I would expect from some of the bigger names.

I communicated with him via Facebook but here is his site and email. He emailed me an invoice and I was able to pay with CC through the invoice pretty painless. I have a phone number and email as well but out of respect for him I will only provide that via pm because it is not listed on his site. You can also find him under “vantage research” on Facebook. He was pleasant to deal with and seemed like a stand up guy. I would buy from him again I hope this helps some people out.


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Iv got 500 88s on the way.

I’m hoping to keep them around 3000 to avoid spinning them too fast.
I shot the 88s out of a 22BR with a 1-7" up to 3100 fps and never had one come apart. I tried some 75s, but I didn't gain much speed.