.223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

I was just wonder why the Legal boundaries of the law. You sounded like the old guys on Glock Talk that say you’ll go to prison for swapping a trigger if you’re ever in a defensive shooting. Takes a lot to offend me, it’s the Internet so no big deal.

I have some stories of those types:rolleyes:. Unfortunately my father lets 2 of them deer hunt the farm. maybe Monkeypox will keep them away like Chinaflu did for 2 years.🤪
Anyhow, loaded some more 75 Amax and 77 TMK with a different powder that I have enough of to last a while. Chronograph is along this time. Don’t think I’ll see XBR this year on the shelf in my area. I’m at the farm by myself for 2 days and then my wife and daughter will be up so I may as well make hay while the sun shines.
Anyhow, loaded some more 75 Amax and 77 TMK with a different powder that I have enough of to last a while. Chronograph is along this time. Don’t think I’ll see XBR this year on the shelf in my area. I’m at the farm by myself for 2 days and then my wife and daughter will be up so I may as well make hay while the sun shines.
Did you stay within the legal threshold of powder when you loaded those rounds? I heard game wardens in some states hide in the shadows with a chrono, checking muzzle velocity, just waiting to give you a speeding ticket for shooting too fast of ammunition, it falls under the “meat recovery act” and it can be a fine of 5k and 42 seconds in prison for first time offenders, and 3 offenses can lead to a suspension of your tmk reloading license
judas priest... down the rabbit hole. I read a lot of it, but spent a lot of time scrolling around the posts in the fall and bear seasons.

So obviously this is a pretty devastating load and we've all seen the merits.

Is there anyone on here that would be honest enough to talk about how they used it and it DIDN'T go well? I mean real world experience. The positives have been praised pretty highly, but I'm interested if anyone has had a muley or an elk take one and just walk off, or something along those lines.
I did some load testing today with my new Christensen Arms Ridgeline Scout .223. This rifle has a 1/8 twist 16" barrel. My best load was:

Sierra 77 grain TMK
IMR 8208 XBR 23.2 grains
CCI BR4 primers
Mixed brass
2.300" COAL

Max 2664
Min 2642
Avg 2649
SD 8.6
Here is another load test:

Sierra 77 grain TMK
RL 15.5 - 24.8 grains
CCI BR4 primers
Mixed brass 2.330" COAL

Max 2632
Min 2612
Avg 2625
SD 7.6

This load groups well. However, it is a compressed load. The seating die leaves a minor crease in the bullet ogive.
Mine from last week.
IMR 8208 XBR @ 23.5 grains,
CCI 400 Primer
2.26 COAL
ADI Brass

2564 FPS. Never measured, but 5 at MOA or just under at 100 yards with the Magneto Speed on the barrel. I would assume it would be at least as good if not a little better without the chrono on. This is a Ruger American Ranch with a 16” barrel. It’s slower than I had hoped, but I picked up 100 FPS over Varget. StrelokPro says 1806 FPS at 410 yards. It will work for me.
I love my .223's and find myself taking one instead of the more traditional deer calibers. They are low-recoiling, accurate, and will do their work as long as you do yours. Like folks mentioned, limit your shots to about 150 yds. or so, use a good bullet and concentrate on shot placement. Even better if you can shoot it suppressed.

Regarding the 77tmk in a 22 creed. I’m toying around the idea of buying a 16” 22 creed barrel being that I now have the equipment to swap around barrels. Wondering what you would consider a reasonable upper limit on impact velocity for up to deer? Also if you have any experience with real short 22 creeds. I think a 16” with a suppressor still pushing the 77 at 3000 fps would be pretty awesome.

Regarding the 77tmk in a 22 creed. I’m toying around the idea of buying a 16” 22 creed barrel being that I now have the equipment to swap around barrels. Wondering what you would consider a reasonable upper limit on impact velocity for up to deer? Also if you have any experience with real short 22 creeds. I think a 16” with a suppressor still pushing the 77 at 3000 fps would be pretty awesome.

I actually haven’t seen an upper limit per se. Even at 3,300fps impact that still penetrated enough and caused very large wounds. You’ll be well above 3,000fps MV from a 16” 22CM.
I actually haven’t seen an upper limit per se. Even at 3,300fps impact that still penetrated enough and caused very large wounds. You’ll be well above 3,000fps MV from a 16” 22CM.
There is no upper limit. I shoot in the neck to keep the cleaning table tidy. The 77 TMK has show ability for me out to 500 on a rare occasion.
I love my .223's and find myself taking one instead of the more traditional deer calibers. They are low-recoiling, accurate, and will do their work as long as you do yours. Like folks mentioned, limit your shots to about 150 yds. or so, use a good bullet and concentrate on shot placement. Even better if you can shoot it suppressed.
There is sone staggering photo evidence of elk kills over 400 yards in this thread if you read all of it. Key to this success is not using traditional bullets.