223 brass

Have you tried a mix of lanolin and high % alcohol in a spray bottle? This is uber cheap, fast as one-shot, and I can't find a reason not to do it other than having to clean it off after sizing (I'm too cheap for one-shot)
I need to try that. It’s what is recommended by mighty armory which is the die I’m sticking to for 223. I’m trying to cut down on my process as much as possible while maintaining a minute on the rifle.

My giraud should be shipping anytime too, that’s going to be a time saver.

In regards to what I currently do, using imperial wax, tumbling before sizing to get any dirt off and tumbling after to get wax off.

I’d like to get a wet tumbler for really dirty brass, think wet day shooting prairie dogs, but otherwise the rice has gotten everything Iv wanted off the brass.
Heck, I'll bite. Form, do you clean your brass?

No. Unless it’s wiping mud off.

Do you not have a mess in your die in short order without cleaning up 5.56 brass?

Not that I’ve seen. RCBS dies.

Literally, spray with Hornady one shot, FL size, decrimp if required, prime, dump powder, seat bullet to 2.26 COAL, shoot. That’s it. All bolt 223’s shoot 1.2’ish or less for multiple 10 round groups doing so. 3 round “groups” average way less the. .5 moa.
No. Unless it’s wiping mud off.

Not that I’ve seen. RCBS dies.

Literally, spray with Hornady one shot, FL size, decrimp if required, prime, dump powder, seat bullet to 2.26 COAL, shoot. That’s it. All bolt 223’s shoot 1.2’ish or less for multiple 10 round groups doing so. 3 round “groups” average way less the. .5 moa.
Thank you, sir.
I need to try that. It’s what is recommended by mighty armory which is the die I’m sticking to for 223. I’m trying to cut down on my process as much as possible while maintaining a minute on the rifle.

My giraud should be shipping anytime too, that’s going to be a time saver.

In regards to what I currently do, using imperial wax, tumbling before sizing to get any dirt off and tumbling after to get wax off.

I’d like to get a wet tumbler for really dirty brass, think wet day shooting prairie dogs, but otherwise the rice has gotten everything Iv wanted off the brass.
Giraud is money. This is the only way I've found to make trimming worth my time. Its literally faster than measuring.
What functional benefits does tumbling brass give you?
I can agree some what. I am not the CM guy who needs shiney brass to go with my Prius. But I like to deprime, tumble for a little bit to remove anything that annealing would bake on to the brass, then I lube/size and retumble. My entire tumble time for both stations is usually never longer than 1.5 hrs.
I finally got my Henderson in and that makes this part of brass prep not so bad. I am taper crimping my 223 brass (cause that is what my rcbs die does) and even though case length isnt as critical with TC, I still have the habit of steps in the reloading process. I think i'm gonna get some rice before chyna sanctions us.
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Are you guys talking about using your stuff for an AR or bolt rifles
I almost never full length size anything but I only use bolt guns
Usually the brass goes out of the rifle into a bag, then straight into the 550, neck sized dry, and back into a bag for shooting
This is a vid I made many years ago, only thing that has changed is I now use a collet neck die instead of a bushing neck die with tini bushing, never used lube with either