And therein is the problem......the parents have failed in their parental boot camp in raising these kids. But that's not a big surprise, we've seen that happening for a few decades now with the push against proper child raising and good discipline. Then idiots start this thing with "participation trophies" and the kids never learn that there are in fact "losers" in every aspect of life. They all feel entitled so when they enter real life they get a shock to their system and the only way they find to deal with that is "I'm entitled" and "look at me too".
We as parents and the school system was supposed to train these kids up to be adults. Both have failed miserably with "new-age" parenting tactics and so-called self-esteem experts telling everyone what's best for the "kids". They never learned how deal with problems because someone is always there to "remove said problem" before they can figure it all out. Bullying is not allowed, fighting back is not allowed, working out your differences is not allowed, disciplining is not allowed......but when they need the discipline the most, the parents rely on drugs to calm the kids (and maybe even themselves) instead of tackling the problem. Years of not being allowed to solve or work through their problems festers up until they go full-on whackjob. Yep, parents have failed big time. And we've allowed our schools to be turned into Liberal Loon Daycares we are. Yay!
**** I thought I accidentally logged onto MSNBC or some shit. I fully oppose any and all laws regarding any of our rights. Yes rights, something you guys from other countries don't have. We (Americans) fought and died for our rights, not rolled over and took what we were given. What exactly is raising the legal age to 21 going to accomplish? Not a ****ing thing. Those of you so willing to give up your rights freaking scare me, not the dude with a bunker full of arms and ammo. Suggesting to raise the age is nothing but a knee jerk feel good reaction. It will do absolutely nothing to bring down gun violence.
When will they stop putting regulations on our freedoms? How about we put age/gender/race/religion regulations on the other 9? No.....I didn't think so..
This man gets it. I'm more than a little concerned at the amount of folks on this pro-hunting website that are so quick to give up their guns/rights. I always thought gun folks and hunting folks were pretty much cut from the same cloth.
BTW, can we stop bringing up other countries for comparison? We aren't other countries so I really don't give a shit what their laws are or what they do. They aren't us and we aren't them.
I am just going to throw a theory out there based on about 4 years of observation on this site.
Love it or hate it this is my conclusion and probably mine alone. And don't hate me for stereotyping your state of residence because Texas is stereotyped on here at least once a week if not more.
Anyone West of the Mississippi, or more accurately the line from Texas to North Dakota with the exception of Idaho, and a VERY small amount of hold outs in Colorado and Washington (never would of thought Washington) and maybe Montana but I dont have much hope for Montana either, have been sucking from the federal tit for so long that its all they know.
They weren't a part of the original union, they didn't fight in the civil war, their idea of private property isnt aligned with the values that you will find east of the Mississippi.
They largely believe in the supremacy of federal government instead of the supremacy of the states, even though it was the states that created the Federal Government and the 10th amendment says if it isnt in the constitution it is left up to the states.
In large part, they just don't get it. Which is why they are willing to puke up their rights the first chance they get.
Love me or hate me but its the truth. Now I apologize in advance to all those liberty loving folks that happen to be captured in those states, but it is what it is.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, I never really realized that until I joined this site.
If there is ever another civil war, I predict that it will be East vs West instead of North vs. South. Nobody wants that to happen but it is an intriguing observation, at least from my viewpoint.
The removal of God from our society is to blame. We need to get back to One Nation Under God. Go to church raise your kids with God. We must teach our children to follow Jesus because the world definitely will not. That's how we can get back to the good ol days.
The removal of God from our society is to blame. We need to get back to One Nation Under God. Go to church raise your kids with God. We must teach our children to follow Jesus because the world definitely will not. That's how we can get back to the good ol days.
Gelton I get what your saying but I bet it is center vs east/west edges.