2025 Oregon gun control bills


Jun 15, 2024
Not quite as heinous as CO situation but the Oregon legislature is trying to resurrect Measure 114 but making it more unconstitutional. HB 3075.

Several other anti-2A bills proposed in OR. Regardless of each state legislator swearing an oath to uphold the constitution of the US, they keep proposing laws that run counter.

if you live here and care about it please write your elected officials. You can look up your legislator here https://geo.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.html?appid=fd070b56c975456ea2a25f7e3f4289d1

This isn't quite in line with this thread so please forgive me.

A number of years ago a close friend of mine and my gunsmith told me the ATF required that all guns he worked on had to be reported to them and their owners. In my view a fed. manditory gun registration. Thats been since around 2005 and it still bothers me. Building the collection list?