I had a 2021 F350 with the 6.7L, I was the second owner, the first owner used it for his hot shot business, so it lived its first 100K with a gooseneck attached to it. He did next to zero maintenance on it, as was evident when I went and had all the proper maintenance done to it. The shop said everything was still all good and nothing to be worried about but it was certainly a good thing I got it done. I had a S&S disaster prevention kit installed for the awesome CP4 when it grenades (not an if, but when with them), and what I would highly recommend having one installed as well.
Overall, it was a great truck/motor and I’ve got ZERO complaints about it and would argue til I’m blue in the face with all the Cummins fan boys out there that the current generation of 6.7L will run as long or longer than a Cummins…yeah, yeah, it’s personal opinion based on research I’ve done, so no need to come at me like a keyboard spider monkey cuz you think Cummins is the best.
I would not hesitate to go out tomorrow and buy another one, every motor is gonna have its quirks and issues. Gonna have horror stories and stories where the guy put 250K on it before he did anything to it, just have to base it on what gives you the warm fuzzies.