2024 Wild Sheep Meatpole Thread!

First Ram, finally. After striking out in area Alaska 19c in 2020, got it done in the Yukon. Thanks to Tim Mervyn and his crew! Fantastic hunt, did it the hard way with the backpack hunt (vs horse) option that Mervyn's offers. Really cool bonus, as my guide called a couple of wolves off a sheep kill. Couldn't have been a better experience!
Those wolves are mean looking mugs!
Colorado Wilderness Rocky! Notched my tag on 9/22 after 14 days and about 100 miles backpacking since the opener. This was a very rugged unit with a low density of rams. No outfitter and a great group of buddies that took time away from work to assist me. May do I write up here soon of how it all went down. Countless hours of reading rokslide threads helped make this happen. CPW aged him at 8.5 y/o but I believe he’s probably 7.5 y/o.


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Spent all summer scouting and found quite a few good rams but having the second season tag for this unit I wasn't too hopeful that there would be many mature rams left. Based off of previous statistics I went into the hunt hoping for an 8+ year old ram with over 15" bases and 30" lengths. Found this guy in a spot I'd never seen rams before and in an area where rams haven't been killed in a long time. CPW put him at 7 years old but both bases were over 15" and both sides made it just past 30". Regardless of the measurements I couldn't be happier having found a mature representative of the species and to have been fortunate enough to have this experience.


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I drew a ewe tag in Oregon. Filled it with my bow on the first stalk on the first day of hunting. It was kind of anticlimactic but I got a ram with my bow 14 years ago about mile and a half from this. Helped a buddy who drew a ram tag for the same unit. We looked at a lot of rams before his season started and had a couple on the hit list. Opening morning we found two of them together courting a hot ewe. ODFW measured him at 171" and 8 years old, a pretty good california bighorn.


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I consider myself very, very blessed to have drawn a Oregon OIL Goat tag in 2018 and this past summer I drew an Oregon OIL Sheep tag. Two bad knees limited my mobility in the deep rocky canyons and after scouting throughout the summer, I harvested this BH Cali ram in the range and basins of the Whitehorse. 16 days of looking for sheep and 1 day hunting.

I was able to share the hunt with my long time hunting buddies and family. Sitting back tonight by a warm fire, I am still gaining appreciation at how fortunate I was to have them all join me. That was the highlight of my hunt.
What a truly marvelous animal and so grateful for the experience.....likely my one and only sheep hunt.

If you haven't already, please pay-it-forward and consider joining the Wild Sheep Foundation.


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My guide and I on our 24 NV Hunt.


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