Daughters first whitetail buck. This is in Washington with a late season draw tag. We spotted the buck at 220yds as it saw us. She got seated, gun on a tripod and had it in the scope for 3 solid minutes but couldn’t stop shaking. The buck got nervous, turned and started walking away before the tail went up and it bolted. She was crushed and trying not to tear up, frustrated she couldn’t calm her nerves enough to get steady. I assured her thats hunting and it wouldn’t be the last time that happened. She got her first elk about a week prior and was on cloud nine with high expectations for this hunt.
About three hours later, we took a guess where we thought he may be, worked our way to that draw and got very lucky. The buck happened to be there and was as surprised to see us again as we were to see him. She took him down with a 100yd shot with her new rifle. Loved how this hunt worked out for her!IMG_6824.jpeg
Last minutes of legal light ! Great way to end the trip .

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Shot him today around 10ish

Walked down to the South fence of our farm and spotted 2 does in our second quarter so I made my way to the cross fence as slowly as I could and glassed them again. 2 does made me wonder if a buck was near by so I dropped my pack and sat down. One kept looking into the willows so I decided to grunt a couple times and out came a buck. Alright ranged around 460-470. I picked my pack up and rested on it and the first time I went to shoot *click* oh right because I use a Kifaru gun bearer I walk with an empty chamber so I don't unavlive myself by accident with the muzzle right by my face. Okay chamber a round and he's back in the willows. Waiting and waiting grunt some more the does are making their way to the fence. Finally he comes out and he gets to the fence and I missed but he went back into the willows. Chamber another and wonder if he'll come back to cross... yup "oh there he is" I thought and I shot and watched him fall in my scope. The benefit of a light recoiling 6.5 creedmoor.

450 yard shot, sitting resting on my exo pack. I hit him in the neck, I must have pulled a little as I was aiming for his chest but he's dead. Shooting factory barnes lrx 127gr chono'd at an average of 2830fps muzzle.

123gr remain and the bullet tumbled as you can see in the photo and it expanded some but not a lot. I could John Wick this deer with a pencil.... that's the size of the hole through the neck.

I wanted to shoot something at distance and I've been practicing all summer and fall and I'm happy with the result.





