2024 Idaho General Draw! 10 days until the MADNESS!

Apr 26, 2022
The reason for a high percentage of guys 55+ in line today is that is the age where people tend to have an extra $1000 to drop on an out of state elk tag, in ten years there will be a new crop of 55+ guys waiting in line, same story into eternity as long as hunting is still legal. All of this hunter numbers are declining crap is just a line sold to you by the gear companies and nonprofits so they can keep selling our wildlife down the river in the name of R3. As a percentage of the population hunter numbers may be declining since the 1980’s but in 1989 the US population was only about 250 million, I don’t have the time to look up the percentage of the population that held a hunting license but let’s just use 5% and we come up with 12.5 million licensed hunters, today there are roughly 380 million people so if we still had that same 5% that the R3 agenda pushes we would have about 19 million hunters in a country that has now had to find a place to put an extra 130 million people. Instead about 3% of the US population hunts today so we have just slightly less than 12 million licensed hunters which considering the amount of wildlife habitat that has been lost in order to fit another 130 million people into this country is not all that bad. The sky isn’t falling and we aren’t going to have a collapse in hunter numbers in this country anytime soon

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didnt get your tag, hu?


Dec 5, 2021
I was 12,500 something in line. Went for a muley tag as my September will be consumed my Alaska caribou. Got my 3rd pick, thought there was no shot when I saw that high of a number

Z Barebow

May 24, 2012
Non Resident and not complaining about how system works/performed this year.

Anyone who wants a draw or points needs to put down the bottle. Day drinking is bad for you.

Idaho system isn't perfect. I would categorize system as a psudo draw. You get a number, it just may not be the one you want. In a real draw, you get a number but you just don't know what it is.

Supply outstrips demand by a mile. System stayed up this year. No other state has a system like it. And that is ok. Think about what will happen when CO caps NR's.

The tag opportunities today pale to what they were 20 years ago. But if we look forward to the next 10-20 years, we are still in the golden years.
Apr 21, 2015
It was smooth for the folks I know of this year. No crashes, no long waits, we didn’t get pick of the litter, but we got tags to hunt.
I don’t know that it’s any worse or any better than any other states tag allocation system.


Dec 28, 2020
12k last year, no dice.
1300 something this year, needed to be around 800 for the elk tag I wanted, but got the deer tag I wanted.
Seemed better then last two years. I was on my phone not in an ideal location using cell service no WiFi.


Jan 29, 2017
No I’ll pick mine up in July, until then they’ll only sell me a deer tag receipt with my $124 sportsman’s package

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It's great, ain't it? I'm lifetime license, so no sportsman's package, but I usually buy my deer tag just before the trip. I've even bought it on the way to camp before.


Mar 8, 2014
Back to Frank Church for my buddy and I again for some punishment and Elk/Deer looking. Successful just logged in on my phone today.


Mar 14, 2015
We will see how much everyone that likes the current system likes it next year when it falls on a Sunday everyone will be able to be in person without taking vacation
I'm betting the system will be a little different next year, I was told they were working on it last year. Not sure what it will be, but you can bet it will create more revenue


Sep 18, 2012
I’ve been flying in to buy a non res Id tag, this my 3rd year. It used to be a good strategy. Now even at a rural vendor, there were 25 guys in line behind me.
I can only imagine what it was like in places in Boise that are easy to get to.

Mostly residents buying tags for other guys I know for a fact some of them were charging 300 bucks and up.

On my plane yesterday, I counted approximately 27 hunters flying in to buy a tag, heck I talked to 10 of them. One guy said an outfitter told him $2000 to buy a tag for him.

The unit I wanted was sold out as of 10:03. I had the website up on my phone, it was slow to update sold out tags.

Flying worked, until now.

We were going to fly out this year. I’m glad we didn’t.

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Apr 12, 2019
North Carolina
I must be the rare person here that's never had an issue with the buying process. Logged into the website on a mobile phone, stayed in good service, and never even let the screen go dark lol. #9094 and got the same deer tag for 3 out of 3 seasons now! The last numbers went really fast up to that point. Super excited about next fall! I appreciate the opportunity to share your beautiful country!