2024 Idaho General Draw! 10 days until the MADNESS!

Got tag after being in line. Observation in line, a very high percentage are guys 55+ and a lot of grey hair. Was talking to the guy behind me and he commented the same. I predict a decade from now a downturn on numbers due to this.
It had to be going fairly quickly in line? Took me about 10-15 min just to print one tag last year, then a lot of stuff selling out without online line moving much this year.
Got tag after being in line. Observation in line, a very high percentage are guys 55+ and a lot of grey hair. Was talking to the guy behind me and he commented the same. I predict a decade from now a downturn on numbers due to this.
It sounds like you were just in line with a demographic that no longer has work to attend today and doesn’t know how to use a computer so that was their best/only option. How many first time less than 25 year old aspirational YouTube/Instagram stars were waiting online?

I’m sure you’d see something much different if they did it on a Saturday when everyone is off work.
@william schmaltz not so sure on that. Many of these guys off all ages commented they took the day off and drove up to 4 hours to buy the tags. most had their phones qued in line as well and just because your old does not mean you are not computer savvy🤣 Time will tell how the next decade plays out.
1) If you can buy in person, proximity to Idaho becomes an unfair factor.
2) In person, you can buy more than one tag per person. Something about putting you in a longer line if you're buying more than 5 I think it said on the IDFG site?
3) The site didn't seem to crash this year, but in years past, a crashing website has been a factor.

Even with these three, wouldn't it be better to have a fair system that doesn't put us all into so much chaos?

Who said life is fair?

Is it "fair" that people in Arkansas are closer to Dorado fishing than those of us in Idaho? Are we really complaining about "proximity" fairness now?

As someone put 40,000 in line, I'm not really upset by the current system. It's fun to talk about, but I'm not upset. Maybe limit the tags to 2 or something but I had a chance.

As long as there's more people wanting to hunt than there are tags, someone's gonna be unhappy.


Thanks for being one of the few people in this conversation smart enough to acknowledge as much.
My kid was 28k got the redirected to room message, no change for a couple minutes, next screen….this number has already been used. Go to the back of the line.
Meanwhile the unit I chose is now sold out and he is 62k
Good times
I was next in line annd being redirected to the website. it did not redirect me to the site. after 3 minutes it kicked me out of Que and now I'm at 52000. Did I do something wrong here?
Mine did something similar, I lost patience and clicked refresh and it finally redirected me.
Well my Idaho saga continues. I am nonresident and have life long hunting friends there and can't get back with a tag.
2021 got one in the cart - couldn't check out
2022 never got in the waiting room and then was disconnected
2023 got in the waiting room - good number - waiting for my turn - system crashes - log back in knocked to the end of the line
2024 got in the waiting Room !!!! assigned 12,291
only thing left was Lolo and Selway - beautiful areas - just no deer/elk
Got tag after being in line. Observation in line, a very high percentage are guys 55+ and a lot of grey hair. Was talking to the guy behind me and he commented the same. I predict a decade from now a downturn on numbers due to this.

The reason for a high percentage of guys 55+ in line today is that is the age where people tend to have an extra $1000 to drop on an out of state elk tag, in ten years there will be a new crop of 55+ guys waiting in line, same story into eternity as long as hunting is still legal. All of this hunter numbers are declining crap is just a line sold to you by the gear companies and nonprofits so they can keep selling our wildlife down the river in the name of R3. As a percentage of the population hunter numbers may be declining since the 1980’s but in 1989 the US population was only about 250 million, I don’t have the time to look up the percentage of the population that held a hunting license but let’s just use 5% and we come up with 12.5 million licensed hunters, today there are roughly 380 million people so if we still had that same 5% that the R3 agenda pushes we would have about 19 million hunters in a country that has now had to find a place to put an extra 130 million people. Instead about 3% of the US population hunts today so we have just slightly less than 12 million licensed hunters which considering the amount of wildlife habitat that has been lost in order to fit another 130 million people into this country is not all that bad. The sky isn’t falling and we aren’t going to have a collapse in hunter numbers in this country anytime soon

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