2023 Whitetail Meat Pole

Out at beaver lake? I live in NWA but have a farm in Washburn. I will be trying to fill my AR tags at Hobbs this weekend.
Does this count?


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Out at beaver lake? I live in NWA but have a farm in Washburn. I will be trying to fill my AR tags at Hobbs this weekend.
Yup. I hunt between 412 Bridge and 45 and have another 40ac around Hindsville. Also have some land around Avoca I can hunt. Small world. Good luck this weekend!
Not the giant I was after but I still have 4 more tags. The buck folded where he stood. The doe ran 40yds onto a neighbors property and stomped and blew at me while watching me reload the muzzleloader. She got curious and circled back around to investigate the buck and she got some too. Forgot how much I don't like cleaning two deer as the temperature starts to rise. Next weekend I'll be busy slicing jerky and grinding everything up so my family can enjoy.

Both taken with my CVA Accura MR-X, 100gr volume BH209, and a 300gr Scorpion PT Gold.


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My fiancé killed her first deer here in eastern Washington this weekend. Her son was able to watch and my brother was with us too which made it even more memorable. I glassed him up from about 500 yards. His throat patch gave him away bedded down in the scrub otherwise I don’t know if we would have spotted him. We stalked in to 250 yards and she made a perfect shot, he was quartering to us a bit. I was definitely more excited than she was.
I've posted him in another thread already, but WTH!

Smallish 8 point, shot him at about 25 yards with my crossbow while he was chasing some does that wanted nothing to do with him. Good blood trail, had him in hand within 30 minutes of shooting.

As I found him, right side antlers were stuck good under some roots. Had my daughter hold the light while I sawed him loose. Exit:




10/28 6:15 PM. PA. I've watched this guy for three years and he's always eluded me, especially last season on nearly a dozen occasions, being in the wrong stand, leaving 10 minutes too early, coming in 20 minutes too late... sitting on the couch instead of the rain... After watching a pair of fawns mill around for an hour, they finally moved on and I did a doe in heat call. Less than five minutes later he came sneaking in from my left. Totally caught by surprise. He moved slowly, two steps at a time through the low growth sapling and briars. He stopped about 35 yards out, just his front half and barely that was in view. You all know how those seconds pass quickly so I knew once he cleared that Hickory tree, I had to shoot. He stopped broadside and was looking straight ahead. I aimed lower end of middle third right at the back of the elbow. He spun and went back the way he came. No light from the nock but I was sure I hit him. I heard him busting thru the brush then the crash and a second series of what had to be him kicking in the leaves.

After a long 45 minute wait, no blood. Not a drop. Found the light from the nock nearly 10 yards away from supposed impact. You all know that feeling. After several minutes and no one finding blood, I took a loop around toward a trail I have mowed in the direction I heard him go. Once I got through the woods, only 40 yards or so, as I ducked under a branch, and my eyes came up to see him lying there, right on the trail. Thankfully. Blood everywhere. Heart shot, just as I had thought when I saw the bolt hit him. Pic below is one I took in the morning showing his location that evening.

185 pounds dressed. My largest, most unique buck and terribly thrilled after four years on this new property (home), only 10 acres, and all the effort on food plots and other projects. My buddy hunts here too and he had this guy at 22 yards the morning before but no clear shot on the vitals before a doe changed his direction. Now, the only decision is mount or euro?


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10/3 in central Ohio. Hunting an oak flat and had 7 bucks come in together. Shot this buck slightly quartering-to at 22 yards. Blood was ok, not great. Arrow came out on one piece after 80 yards and then we got down to a few small drops and backed out. Came back and he was 20 yards up the bank on a flat, 90 degrees to the right of his direction of travel.

10/24 - PA.

I did a calling sequence right at legal shooting time (6:55) and at 7:15 I heard foot steps in the woods below me. I saw him step out from the brush and immediately grabbed my bow. He walked into my shooting lane at 15 yards and I shot him quartering away. Arrow went in at the 2nd last rib and came out the brisket. Sliced the heart and he came to rest within 150 yards down at steep hill. This was my fourth buck from the same stand in the last 6 years on a dynamite little 6 acre honey hole I’m lucky to hunt.

