2023 What’s the Plan???

25 NR elk points weren't enough for CO elk unit 61 muzzy last year. 26 going into this year with a wide open plan. Truly would rather have a rifle in my hand and am willing to drop $5K for a quality outfitted hunt. After having to work 43 years in an industry that I HAD to work Sept/Oct I just want to hear elk bugle.
MT non-res native elk/deer. Which season, depends on other states.

Getting into “this might happen” points land for AZ, NV, UT, and WY. NM and ID are wild cards.

CO is points only for D and E.

All bets are off on moose/sheep/goat.

25 NR elk points weren't enough for CO elk unit 61 muzzy last year. 26 going into this year with a wide open plan. Truly would rather have a rifle in my hand and am willing to drop $5K for a quality outfitted hunt. After having to work 43 years in an industry that I HAD to work Sept/Oct I just want to hear elk bugle.

Get yourself a 61 Landowner tag
Taking my CO 10PP for elk and applying for a Muzzy bull tag that I should have roughly 30% odds of drawing. 1st rifle or muzzy bull as 2nd choice. Muzzy cow or 1st rifle cow as 3rd choice. Researching bear tags and deer tags. May try to get a bear or deer tag in the 30% draw unit I am working towards to do some in season scouting. This is probably my main focus, is scouting the once every 10+ years unit for a BOAL...
Waiting for an invite to split WY points.

CO long shot at a draw unit if not, OTC.

Alaska Spring bear and another spring bear hunt as well.

WY antelope 6 points hopefully will do it.
Hopefully MT elk in September , SD whitetails, and MI whitetails. I have enough MI points for a fall bear tag so I may apply at home for bear as well.

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Trying to decide on Wyoming elk, I have 15 points and deciding on CO elk also 12 points there or just try CO deer. We are going to burn our WY antelope points also. Last three years, I've been lucky enough to hunt Alaska
Going to try and use WY elk points, swing for the fences with AZ elk, hunt general season idaho, apply for a moose tag. Fall back plan is use Wyoming pronghorn points
Burning Wyoming points on the general tag. Should have enough to not go special. Thinking about mixing it up this year and going during rifle season.

I'll put in for Montana with zero points since I drew it last year. If I get lucky in MT, I'll go there. Maybe I'll get really lucky and draw my general MT AND my limited entry unit? Nah, I'm not that lucky.
Burning elk points on a muzzy hunt and hunting mule deer 3rd or 4th rifle, nothing too exciting. Will be hard to top my 2022 animals I took but will give it hell! More points for the rest of the states I put in for.
Plan is the same as the last 40+ years, put elk in the freezer :ROFLMAO:

I'm not picky, bull or cow- last year I drew an elk B tag which allowed (at least potentially) the harvest of two elk (cow and a bull), wasn't greedy and decided a large cow was enough meat for the year. I'll put in for that B tag again next year if it's offered.
Elk, deer, hopefully antelope in MT, along with 2 or 3 turkeys. WY Deer and hopefully one of either NV deer, AZ deer and AZ elk. No Alaska in 23', so that frees up 2 weeks of vacation I will use in September.

I'm gonna update this with CO deer as a possibility also.
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