2023 What’s the Plan???

Next year will be tough, I've got at least one wedding and one graduation to go to so far and the timing would cut into scouting time. So probably no new areas. I have 5 CO elk points that I wanted to burn on a muzzey tag but can't decide where I want to use them so I may just go back to my old "faithful" spot, a non-trophy but productive Rifle 1 zone.
I plan to burn my 9 Wyoming points on a cow tag. I have been able to get it as a second choice in years past but figured with point creep this year it's probably the last chance to draw a tag in wyoming :LOL:
I was considering it but at this point I am looking to draw another place closer to my deer hunting spot so I can hunt deer in the evening.
Really for the last couple years it been marginal for the opener. Less than 200 birds shot as opposed to mid 300 from the past. So I think it’s a smart choice.

This weekend might be good to try and get in on standby. Good cold front coming late in the season. The only problem is what are you going to do if you don’t get drawn.

I feel like they have done a terrible job managing those impoundments.
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GA does a terrible job at managing all of the lands they own....lol

They need to change a LOT of things to make the hunting better. Starting with doing away with BONUS tag deer hunts. They should be making people burn their tags on those hunts. It's nonsense. We would have a lot of nice bucks on the WMA's if you actually had to use your state issued tags...people wouldn't be shooting the hell out of all of the spikes and 4 pointers on these hunts if they had to use their personal tags.

Also, forcing ALL group members to use their points for the waterfowl hunts. Currently they allow you to bring 2 friends. I don't agree with that AT ALL.
I got a busy year planned with my daughter getting married in Alaska and I'm hoping my two son's draw a general elk Montana with two points. I'm not sure whether to buy a point or go into the draw with zero points. Either way if I don't draw I'll spend two weeks with my son's camping and calling for them.
Going to be chasing sheep and grizzly in Alaska this August. Put in for low odds draw caribou why not ill be up there if i luck out and draw. Buy another Wyoming elk point, cause I like throwing my money away. Ontario black bear then chase some michigan whitetails.
I plan to burn my 9 Wyoming points on a cow tag. I have been able to get it as a second choice in years past but figured with point creep this year it's probably the last chance to draw a tag in wyoming :LOL:
With that many points you’re guaranteed a regular general license. I assume you can’t shoot cows in your unit with that tag? Otherwise why be limited to cows only?
With that many points you’re guaranteed a regular general license. I assume you can’t shoot cows in your unit with that tag? Otherwise why be limited to cows only?
I was just joking because of all the hype this year everyone claiming it will take 7-8 points to draw general... I will put in for a LE unit and hope for the best!
Picked up a sawtooth a tag, unit 36 deer tag, and wolf tag. Headed out solo for two weeks first time elk hunting, also first time going to idaho. Hoping to learn everything I can while I'm out and have a good time. Other than that keep building points and hunt deer and bear at home as much as I can.
Sounds like folks have some great hunts planned! Good luck everyone.

I’ll be hunting a second-choice elk tag in the unit where I live in north central Oregon. It’s a pretty marginal unit based on total elk numbers and hunters success rates, but that just means I’ll have the woods to myself. I’d also be lying if I said that getting it done against long odds doesn’t feel good. Plus there are luxuries like a hot shower, a clothes dryer, and seeing my wife and young kiddos every night. Reading about the travel and $$$ that folks are willing to put toward elk hunting really drives home how blessed I am to have elk out my back door.

I should also have two blacktail tags, and with the general season ending in the middle of the rut, I’m planning to spend some time trying to rattle in a couple bucks.
Colorado archery antelope in late August, followed by Drop camp Moose in Ak in September, then Iowa Archery Whitetail in November. Ohio whitetail is home so that will be before and likely after the Iowa trip.

23 should be a great year.
The sun is about to set for the last time in 2022. In just a week and a half Wyoming will start accepting applications for elk licenses. Idaho already has. I hear their computer system was overwhelmed. Other states like Montana don’t have application deadlines until April 1st. Lots of states have otc elk tags. Licenses obviously play a major role in deciding where you can hunt.

Are you an every year elk hunter? Once in a lifetime trip planned? Maybe you get out there every 3-5 years when you have the points to hunt your favorite spot.

I’ll be back in a Wyoming general elk license area. I’ll be with two partners. One has hunted from my camp 3 times and knows his way around very well. He’s killed two bulls there already. The other has elk hunting experience in Colorado and Idaho but has never hunted with me before. I’m excited to get him a bull. Any branch antlered bull will do.

I’m also going to burn my deer points this year in Wyoming. As long as point creep doesn’t bite me in the butt I’ll spend a full two weeks camped just below the top of some high country ridges. I’ll have a base camp but also gear to bivy out and really look over as much ground as possible. I’m excited for that one.

So let’s hear it…. what’s your plan man! Where when and with who? What’s your goal?

Best of luck in the draws to everyone. In the meantime have a Merry Christmas!View attachment 490404
Heading to Idaho with a mule deer tag in my pocket! Hopefully there are some left after the brutal winter!
Spend the first 10 days of September in an OTC Colorado unit with my brother then hunt solo the 15th thru the 24th on the NM 36 tag I just drew. Hopefully it’s a great September. Didn’t kill one last September and need to fill my freezer once again.
I should draw my ga gator tag this year. They are pretty territorial and I have a few decent ones located. I need to knock that out pretty quick in august so I can head to Montana for general elk tag if I get drawn.
I got drawn in Montana, so I’ll be in Montana come mid September. I’m really excited for this not just because it’s my first elk hunt but it will really be the first time I’ve hunted with my Dad.

I think I’m just going to add a point for the gator tag this year as my wife is due in December.

I caught this guy today so that helps me get through another season without a tag. He was in some wealthy persons swimming pool.
Hopefully I’ll draw a tag here in NM and CO. If not? OTC CO, NM LO cow rifle tag. I was thinking about applying in Montana for the first time and WY for the first time as well. We shall see. Of coarse plans can change.
Welp? Plan A of drawing a NM tag is out. On to plan B. Actually my plan B just became my plan A. Hopefully I will draw a CO tag whether my 1st or 2nd choice. Did not apply for Wy or Montana. Hopefully my plan C or D doesn’t become my new plan A
Shot down by AZ, MT, NM, and ND. Slim chance I'll draw anything in WY or MN, so I'll likely be joining my buddy in NM- he drew a good tag there in a unit we know a bit about. I'm excited to join him on his hunt!
Waiting to see draw results for CO archery elk but looks like rifle seasons will be filled with elk hunting and deer hunting in NM for siblings hunts. Archery season i'll be on my own elk hunt one way or another, even if i end up in OTC again, while a couple family members are doing deer and elk in NM. I may take the rifle out for a bear this year, we'll see.
Heading to WY with my two hunting buddies to chase elk with our bows. We have been hunting CO and usually its an every other year trip, but we have also had a few back to back trips mixed in.
Since I’ve been shafted in every draw so far and I’m just going points only in Colorado and looking a cow elk landowner tag in NM.