Put in for a WY general, burning off the 6 points in sitting on. This'll be my 9th trip in 13 years & I've yet to kill a bull. I was trying to hold out for something respectable. No trophy or anything like that, just a bull elk that looks like a bull elk, if you know what i mean.
But..... between the 2024 price hike, point creep & the increasing lack of welcome to none residents, I plan shoot the first animal I see, turn around, go home & never hunt there again.
Western hunting is pretty much ruined for me.
I can't afford an outfitter (6-10k + tips???) I don't have the time or money to make multiple thousand plus mile trips to scout before season. Every year is a crapshoot & quite frankly I'm just sick of it all.
It's a waste of time asking for help or advice, because everyone thinks you're lazy, not putting in the work, "ItS aLL AvAilAbLe OnLinE" or are trying to steal a honey hole.
After 9 years, hundreds of hours, thousands of miles & tens of thousands of dollars in still just the newb who's trying to avoid the work.