2023 What’s the Plan???

I'll take a swing at some nice hunts in WY and NM and AZ, but it might be the first time I don't have an elk tag since 2015. Thinking on burning WY antelope points and taking my 8 year old on a hunt. Kill the first respectable buck we can and then go dirt biking and fishing. Lil dude lives for the mountains, the wild life, and after some struggles at school this fall this is what he's working towards. He'll have to earn it but I know he will.
Put in for draw hunts... likely won't draw. Pickup an OTC archery tag and hunt the same draw I have hunted the last 5 years or so. Creature of habit!!
In home state of Colorado, muzzy pronghorn, deer points and probably hunt doe again. Wife and I are doing a drop camp first rifle elk hunt. We've backpacked the last 2 elk muzzy season. Excited to take horses in a ways. Our first hunt using horses.
Archery hunt elk here in Oregon like most of my life. May try to rifle hunt blacktails for the 1st time with the later season next year. I have enough points for a general elk tag in WY, but I will wait to see if I can get a buddy to put in with me.
Trying to get my son a WY tag:

Buddy and I are planning on drawing Wyoming archery with 13 point average. Will apply for AZ, NM archery elk and CO and AZ archery mule deer.
If I go , I'll get an over the counter tag, if I don't draw. Missed all of this season due to new job. Hopefully I'll be at it this coming fall!
Positive thinking: our group is planning on drawing NM again.

Just in case we’ll take a shot at something in WY random. Excellent odds we can draw our CO unit.
Put in for a WY general, burning off the 6 points in sitting on. This'll be my 9th trip in 13 years & I've yet to kill a bull. I was trying to hold out for something respectable. No trophy or anything like that, just a bull elk that looks like a bull elk, if you know what i mean.
But..... between the 2024 price hike, point creep & the increasing lack of welcome to none residents, I plan shoot the first animal I see, turn around, go home & never hunt there again.
Western hunting is pretty much ruined for me.
I can't afford an outfitter (6-10k + tips???) I don't have the time or money to make multiple thousand plus mile trips to scout before season. Every year is a crapshoot & quite frankly I'm just sick of it all.

It's a waste of time asking for help or advice, because everyone thinks you're lazy, not putting in the work, "ItS aLL AvAilAbLe OnLinE" or are trying to steal a honey hole.
After 9 years, hundreds of hours, thousands of miles & tens of thousands of dollars in still just the newb who's trying to avoid the work.
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Likely going with my brother to CO where he will use his points on a first rifle tag. If im lucky a tag will get turned back in and I can pick it up. Otherwise I’ll pick up a leftover tag somewhere
I’ve got 5 in WY. I want to hunt a unit that took 6 to draw this year, but who knows what will happen in 23? Dilemma is hold out or get a general? Maybe get a cow tag and hold out.
Fill my cow tag before Jan 31st and then see if I get lucky in the draws. Most likely I’ll be hunting the multi season spike tag in Utah. Regardless of the tag my goal this year is to put in 10 or more days of scouting.
Hoping to make it 3 for 3 drawing for elk since becoming NM resident. If no elk tags maybe an exotic or premium mule deer tag.

Buy another Colorado point.
I hunt elk every year.

3 buddies and I will be in <5 pts pool for WY gen elk. 1 week archery in Sept then come back for a week with the rifle if we cannot all get it done.
I'll pick up a UT bull elk tag, wife will draw a late season cow tag

Year 2 of DH program for deer in UT

WY buck antelope with the wife. Probably put in for doe lopes too in the same unit.
My plan is not to hunt. It’s to drop em. I did 4 hunts last year and literally hunted. (None big enough). But this year, I’m not hunting, I’m dropping lol.

Hope to grab a Wyoming tag and Def Colorado deer/elk (unsure areas yet).

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Put in for a WY general, burning off the 6 points in sitting on. This'll be my 9th trip in 13 years & I've yet to kill a bull. I was trying to hold out for something respectable. No trophy or anything like that, just a bull elk that looks like a bull elk, if you know what i mean.
But..... between the 2024 price hike, point creep & the increasing lack of welcome to none residents, I plan shoot the first animal I see, turn around, go home & never hunt there again.
Western hunting is pretty much ruined for me.
I can't afford an outfitter (6-10k + tips???) I don't have the time or money to make multiple thousand plus mile trips to scout before season. Every year is a crapshoot & quite frankly I'm just sick of it all.

It's a waste of time asking for help or advice, because everyone thinks you're lazy, not putting in the work, "ItS aLL AvAilAbLe OnLinE" or are trying to steal a honey hole.
After 9 years, hundreds of hours, thousands of miles & tens of thousands of dollars in still just the newb who's trying to avoid the work.
Why don’t you consider helping Afhunter1 up on post 46? Together you’d have a 4.5 average which is still enough for the regular drawing. Why let your extra points go to waste as long as you’re still sure you’ll draw?

Someone help that kid out!!! I’m sure his dad will compensate you for the points.
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It won’t be. It’ll be <5. 4.5ish
With everything that's going on with Wyoming next year & what's obviously on the horizon for upcoming years, that's not guaranteed. I know I'm probably being a dick, but I'm not willing to risk it. I've even told guys i hunt regularly with that if they have less that 5 points, we're not applying as a party.