2023 NRL Hunter Match Schedule

Man, what a fun month of shooting it’s been. Shot the Leupold Relentless Rifleman 3 weekends ago and felt good with my overall improvement from my first match but still felt I’d left a lot on the table. I finished mid pack of my division and about 30th overall. A great time spent with my grandpa but was eager to get to the next one to try and improve even more.
Fast forward to last weekend at the Hornady Precision Hunter Challenge in Price Utah. I shot much better than my first 2 matches, still made some mental errors (didn’t trust my gut) that cost me a handful of points but I feel it’s all coming around. I managed to finish 4th in my division and in the top 10 overall. I also finally got to meet and chat with @Ryan Avery and @Tanya Avery for a bit which was nice. Hoping to see more of them at the coming matches. Now to twiddle my thumbs until the next match.

🤷‍♂️ Not sure how they plan to send invites out when the spots for each class are based of percentage of hunters in each and there is an entire match left to shoot.
I’ll be at the Manners Elite Hunter in Oklahoma next weekend. My 2nd NRL hunter match. Any other roksliders shooting it?

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Shot the NRL Hunter Games match last weekend in Blakely GA and man, there should be a lot more of those formats to get people interested in. One day, you could choose to shoot blind or not, and just a pile of fun. Was my 2nd centerfire match of any kind and a I pulled down a 7th place finish, tickled with that.

Stage pictured was 4 prairie dogs 1 position, all over 400 yards. Just fun.

Nice [mention]parshal [/mention], I’m headed up there with [mention]PantherCity [/mention], going to be nice and warm

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You still may. Many of the folks on the initial list won’t be able to make it and they will send further invites.
You still may. Many of the folks on the initial list won’t be able to make it and they will send further invites.
I need 20 people in OL to not be able to make it, I just had to shoot the RO day at the one match I could make 😂