2022 Rut Report?

Saw 5 bucks harassing a poor Doe while driving this morning.

It’s on in Northwest Arkansas.

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Makes for a exciting experience when one comes in like that. Last year had two nice bucks fighting near me during rifle season, in really thick cover I could not see them but could hear them and the smaller saplings that were in there fight area was shaking all to hell, along about that time they bust out where I could get a shot, figured it was about a 50 yard shot and I was hunting on the ground. both were nice 8 points so I pick out what I thought was the biggest one and the Ruger #1went, boom down he went, the other buck kept fighting him on the ground for at least a minute. Before walking off about 20 yards and tore into a sapling before finally walking off. Always whished I had that hunt on a camera. Nice buck ya got there congrats. Nothing like hunting white tails when the full rut is on.

Yea man it was truly amazing. Thats the first time I’ve been real close to them acting that crazy. Have heard fighting a couple hundred yards away before but not like this. Definitely got the blood pumping!

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Haven't seen any signs of it on camera or confirmed proof from anyone else in the area but I also haven't been in the stand in over a week. Heading to the lease in the morning and hoping to see signs of the rut while there this weekend. Grunt call is in my pack.
Just got back from the lease, no signs of the rut yet, pretty frustrating after seven days in the blind since rifle season opened. Fingers crossed things will be different by the weekend.
Hot Fall temperatures have NC rut all messed up this year. Kinda like a mini rut that started late and is stretching out into late November.