If you have any questions or comments on the 2022 Cold Bow Challenge, please post them on this thread. This will keep that challenge thread clean and easy to follow. Thanks!
For 2022, we will limit the challenge to 150 shooters. Sorry, but it’s a ton of work to qualify the shooters.
The Challenge will start Saturday, April 30th AT 8:15 MTN TIME and run 4 weeks or 150 shooters, whatever we hit first.
Be sure and choose an MER that pushes you or you will be asked to restart the challenge or disqualified. Don't forget to define your vital size so we can see it on the target.
No more "I only got 20 yards in my backyard" posts. Lots of shooters travel to places they can shoot their MER. This challenge is exactly that, a challenge to make you a better hunter, so please put some effort into it.