Spotted a herd at first light but someone was already on them. Watched 2 different pairs break off while the bulk of the herd moved up the draw a little. Figured I'd go after the pairs because we had fresh snow, they were lower, and knew the other hunters would be in there making the herd unfortunately. So I got to skinning...
Long story short it didn't work out on either pair as some touring peeps got under the lowest pair and I lost the second pair in a bedding area. Followed 2 fresh tracks out but they led me to two young moose.
Since I ended up gaining more elevation than planned, I sidehilled 3 ridges over (still in skin mode) to get above where I figured that herd was. Was able to locate some bedded elk 120 yards below me but couldn't get a clear shot due to angles and brush.
Finally this calf stepped out at 90 yards and since I was solo I decided to take her. Put my board together and rode down to her but the rest of the herd never left so I was shredding with elk busting out everywhere!
Gutted her and then tied a rope around her neck and snowboarded down the hill with her in tow. One I got to the bottom I lasso'd her to my board and dragged her to the truck whole.
Once I got back to the truck some guys pull up and say they watched the whole thing. Gave me a margarita and congratulated me on being the craziest person they've ever met