2021 Rokslide Cold Bow Challenge

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Mayhem Contributor
Feb 10, 2019
Central Texas
I am going with 60 yards MER. Last year I was at 45 yards and wanted to be at 60-65 MER by this year.

Kill zone is the center module of the matrix target to simulate a 6" kill zone on a whitetail or pronghorn. I haven't picked up a bow in a month due to work being crazy and I didn't get a chance to practice yesterday so I'm very cold. Going to shoot 1 arrow a day regardless of conditions. I shoot without stabs. Sometimes with the quiver on some times not due to wind.

First 3 days
Shooting my Mathews VXR 31.5. Ambush green. Catfish strings in X99. Pulling 66lbs with 65lb mods 31" DL. QAD intergrate rest. 280 FPS with a 483 grain arrow tipped with an Iron will wide. Quiver is a tight spot 5 arrow. Sight is a black gold pro with 3 pins with green ring. Amber 010 at 20, green 010 at 35, green 010 at 50. Both green pins move. Beereal grip. Cool hand Luke string stop. Release is a Stan Xtinction 2 with the nylon strap.

Last 2 days I am going to switch to my backup
Hoyt RX3 Ultra. Storm with black limbs. Buckslayer strings in X99. Pulling 69.5 lbs with 70lb mods 31" DL. AAE Prophecy rest. 279 FPS with the same arrow. Quiver is a tight spot 5 arrow. Sight is a black gold pro with 3 pins with red ring. Amber 010 at 20, green 010 at 35, green 010 at 50. Both green pins move. Beereal grip. Cool hand Luke string stop and Bowjax Limb dampners and riser dampners. Release is a Stan Xtinction 2 with the nylon strap.

Picture has the Hamskea rest on the Mathews that I switched out for the QAD intergrate.

Arrows are Gold Tip Pierce Platinum 300 spine 29.5" long. Custom 7" reflective wrap. 4 Q2i fusion II-X 2.1 Vanes. 3 green and 1 pink. Gold tip half out with ballistic collar. Firenok lighted nocks. Iron will wide 100 grain heads with bleeders.

Day 1 - 58 degrees 1030am wind right to left gusting 17.
I'm quite surprised and pleased. Shot felt good.

Day 2. 48 degrees 7:45am. Wind light but swirling.
Shot didn't feel great. Still in the center module but the module is bigger then 6" Arrow is outside 6" circle by 0.5". Probably dead animal but not the archers moa I was going for. Close but no cigar.
second day.jpg

Day 3 - 6pm beautiful 73 degrees. Wind at my back at 3mph. Shot felt good. First draw was bad so let down adjusted grip hand and redrew. I'm happy with where it landed. Fitting send off for the VXR. Tomorrow is RX3 backup time.
thrd day.jpg

Day 4 - 72 degrees. 630pm. Wind blowing 15 right to left. Gusting 20. Wind is my kryptonite. It would gust and swirl and gust again. I tried to hold for a break but it didnt come and target panic took over and I passed the dot and bent the trigger off. Wasnt good in any way. Surprised it landed as close as it did.

Day 5 - 73 degrees 5:45 pm wind light to variable. Pissed off from work. Scorch the earth kinda pissed off. When your the boss and have a bad day sometimes it just takes everything I have to not fire the childeren I work with. Anyways. Drew and let down twice before I got kinda settled. Snuck it in there.
day 5.jpg

Thanks to all the sponsors, mods and shooters that put time effort and money into letting us have a good time.
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Dec 31, 2020
New archer here, I bought my bow about a month and a half ago. Turkey hunting in a couple of weeks, so turkey sized vitals.

MER 30 yards
Hoyt Ventum 30 64# 27.5”
6.5 Acu-Carbon 340
Muzzy Trocar HB
BG Ascent 3 pin


Black ring is about 4.5”. Last night was my first time ever shooting broadheads. Bow isn’t BH tuned yet, but it was close enough to give it a go. Not bad, all things considered.


A little better shot today, but still probably a marginal vital hit on a bird. 40 degrees with a 20mph wind mostly at my back.


Shot felt great today. 40 and sunny, slight breeze in my face. Not sure about that arrow angle, though.


Not quite where I want it. Once this is over, it will be interesting to see how close my BHs and field points are; hit right again, this time with a right to left breeze, 35 and sparse precipitation.


Rushed the shot, and it shows. 20 and calm.


Glad it’s over. It was nice to get a more accurate representation of where I’m at, there’s clearly some work to do before I shoot at anything living. Time to get after it.
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Jun 4, 2014
50 yards this year!
Elite Energy 32
Easton Hexx/Da torch 330
100gr Nap spitfire broadheads.
Elk and deer are my main game so going with the green circle for vitals.

Shot #1 Good weather shot felt perfect

Shot #2 Weather was perfect shot felt good.

Shot #3 10-15 mph wind right to left, happy with it for the conditions!


Shot #4 weather was clear and cold. Torqued the wrist on this one. Just barely in the vitals!


Shot #5
Not sure what went wrong, felt good
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Jul 10, 2020
60 yard MER
G5 Stryker v2 125gr
Insert is vitals

#1- light breeze

#2- pretty light breeze again. Hopefully be closer to center tomorrow

#3- A little stronger wind today but definitely rushed the shot causing a miss.

#4- Calm. Right back near day 2, shot broke pretty clean just wasn’t holding the best at 6:30am

#5- Another calm morning, managed to keep it in the vitals for the final day.

Mathews Travertix/VXR 33 (traverse with sw cams)
75lbs 31.5”dl
Cbe engage hybrid 5 pin
Hamskea hybrid hunter pro
Raptor peep
Ultra view beereal grip
Crossover 821
Pin It Custom Bowstrings
Easton Axis match grade 260 - 536gr

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Nov 21, 2018
Day 1:
It's surprisingly hard to shoot only one arrow hah!

Excited for my first year doing the cold bow challenge. Chose an MER of 50 yards. Hoping to stay in the center hex. Just got new strings, and did my first tune from scratch. Still not totally pleased with that but got it close enough and one pin set at 50 for this.

Bowtech SR6, 70 lbs, 28" draw, ABB strings, Easton axis 340 spine ~495 grain arrow, field points at the moment, Hamskea Trinity, Black Gold ascent verdict five pin, and an old Shrewd stabilizer I've had since I was like 10.

50 degrees, partly sunny, 8 o'clock wind 10-15 mph

Got lucky with the wind on this one. We'll see how the next ones come in!

Day 2:

16 mph cross wind.


Day 3:



Day 4:

12 mph cross wind, otherwise beautiful


Day 5:

Calm, colder at 40 degrees. That's a wrap. Great challenge -- thanks Rokslide!


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Nov 3, 2018
Bow: Shooting an Elite Energy 35, 70 lbs
Arrow: Black eagle deep impact, 400 spine, weighing 417 grns with 120 field points
Stabilization: 15 inch doinker front bar with 8 oz weight and 12 inch back barwith 8 oz weight
Tight spot 5 arrow quiver
Sight: sure loc sportsman special
Rest: Trophy Taker Extreme FC
Release Tru fire foldback

Was doing some shooting and felt good at 60 yards and decided to stretch it out a little and shoot 70 yards for my MER. Shooting a 1/3 scale elk.

Day 1. Near perfect conditions with little to no wind.

Day 2. Fought a slight breeze. Drifted a little as I was releasing.
Arrow 2.jpg

Day 3. Again near perfect conditions. Little to no wind.
Arrow 3.jpg

Day 4. Another almost perfect day for shooting archery. Little to no wind, Set my target up with a slight quarter to it just to spice things up a bit.
Arrow 4.jpg

Day 5. Can't believe that the weather held for me all 5 days. Again another day with near perfect conditions. Little to no wind. Best shot yet!!!!Arrow 5.jpg

Thank you for putting on this mini tournament and for letting me play. Good luck to all who participate. Next year we'll have to see if I can't stretch it out a little more 80, 90??? Thanks again.
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Aug 11, 2017
Thanks for putting this on again guys. I’ve only put about a dozen arrows through my compound since January and since I know Rokslide is a safe space no judgement zone..... 😂 I haven’t shot my recurve since last cold bow challenge! So coming in real cold this year!
Shooting at 8.5” circle in Rinehart block, compound and recurve, broad heads with both

Compound MER 60 yards
Mathews 31.5 VXR
  • 30” draw/75lbs/85%
  • QAD integrated and Spot-Hogg Fast Eddie 5 pin slider
  • Axis Match 260 at 29.5”, brass HIT, IW collar and s100 broadhead
  • Total arrow weight- 560grains

Recurve MER 15 yards
62”/55lbs Samick Phantom
Gold tip traditional XT w/Magnus stinger 2 blade
Total arrow weight- 526 grains

Compound Day 1: Calm, 80 degrees
Recurve day 1 (I’m as surprised as anyone)
Compound day 2: 10-15mph gusts
Recurve Day 2: release felt off
Day 3 compound- raining and 70 degrees
Day 3 Recurve
Day 4 Compound: 75 no wind
Day 4 Recurve
Day 5 compound- 75, no wind
Day 5 Recurve
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Jun 9, 2019
Second CBC for me. Shooting fixed broadheads at 55. 495gr arrow weight out of a 6 or 7 year old hoyt 29.5 @70. Killzone is yellow circle about 7” diameter

Day 1
Quite windy. Arrow flight wasn’t good and hit a bit right.
Feb 9, 2019
British Columbia
Range is open this year! No consistent access to a decent broadhead target at the moment, all mine are shot right up so need to pick up a new one and shoot this CBC with field tips in the range butts.

55 yards MER with the rattlecan Hoyt Powermax 28/68 hamskea trinity, fast eddy XL 3 pin, gold tip hunter XT 300 total arrow weight of 475gr, 10" beestinger @ 10° offset and a hot shot x-stacy hinge. Spring bear is upon us so ~8" vitals.

Could see those CBC nerves playing out in my pin float on the first arrow, trusted it and just squeaked it into the box. Light wind left to right but nothing to write home about, 58° and the dandelions are popping up.


Well huh. 2nd arrow was also high right, in the tape so technically outside the "vitals" but within 1" of my 1st arrow...I either suck or have to reassess my sight tape. Slapped this one on kind of last minute thursday evening and things looked good but I may have jumped the gun, will shoot for the same yardage again tomorrow and see what happens.


Definitely trending high. So far an A for consistency and an F for not taking my time with this sight tape and slapping it on last minute. Will have to spend some time on that after I get the 4th and 5th arrows out of the way.


Oooh so trendy! Was gonna shave off a yard or two today and see if that drops me in the middle but I kinda wanna see if I can touch the upper tape with 5/5 arrows. Conditions have been almost identical every day, 62 and sunny today with very little wind to speak of. Pin float felt much calmer today, sure do feel like a doorknob driving to the range, signing in and setting up to shoot all of one arrow but it's a worthwhile commitment in my opinion.


Today was the first windy day of the challenge, almost passed and waited until tomorrow but figured I'm not gonna be passing up days on the mountain because of a little breeze. 7.5mph winds from left to right, left the gate half closed for a bit of added anxiety and the shot felt good. Bit low but still within 1/8" of the upper tape so my vertical variance was ~1" but my horizontal variance was closer to 7, might have to do some micro-tuning this summer. Very pleased with my performance this year as far as the shooting goes but not so stoked on the tape being off. Shaved off 2 yards after my last arrow and shot my best group ever, 3 arrows within 1" of the right side of the center tape. Big thanks to the Rokslide team for putting this together!


Stickbow is a 45# reflex/deflex longbow, friend of mine makes them and I've been shooting this one just over a year now which is the extent of my traditional experience. Off the shelf, cheap 500 spine ebay arrows with 200gr up front and zero tuning so shooting field tips, have to get serious about that this year and tune up these woods. Had a mishap in the gym recently and hadn't been able to shoot it for a while, back on the mend now but hopefully I knocked the rust off with the first shot because that didn't go well.

20 yards, mini-bear target because spring has sprung. I'll spruce up the vital lines tomorrow, touch left and very high, no bueno in the bear woods.


Man, high again! Good windage but definitely need to work on my gaps, I'm pretty comfortable at 15 but the whole point of the challenge is to test yourself so didn't want to short change myself. Good motivation to step up the stump shooting this year!


Still a bit high, still a bit left, I don't like to shoot that far forward on bears but he dead. 52 this morning with blue skies and sunshine.


There's a guy at my range that says something along the lines of "forget about archery for a week and it forgets about you altogether." Pretty much exactly how I'm feeling right now. Bow arm wasn't feeling great this morning but tried to make it work, should have just waited until tomorrow. Definitely need a yellow vane or two because these arrows disappear as soon as I release with a black target behind them.


Should have done this challenge at 15 but wanted to test myself, definitely failed miserably. Inspired me to get on tuning up some arrows to the best of my ability this summer to at least take that variable out of the equation. Also need to work on a solid conscious gap system, I feel like that's my weakest link at the moment as my gapping is currently very instinctive.

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left hunter

Feb 6, 2013
First time doing this and starting off bad! 7.5 inch circle (just because that’s what the target measures) 50.5 yards

34 inch Hoyt defiant pro left hand
29 inch draw
70 pounds
Field points
Trophy ridge crush 350 arrows with blazer vanes

day 1- calm no wind 50 degrees

day 2 calm, 45 degrees

day 3- 10 mph wind to my back. 55 degrees

Day 4- calm 50 degrees. I’m definitely beginning to see a pattern!

day 5. 5mph wind at 45 degree angle right to left.


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Mar 28, 2021
First-year I will be attempting to hunt with a bow, only shot archery for fun before this.
MER of 20 yds right now hopefully get confident out to 30 yds before the season.

Bear Cruzer 41 lbs 26" draw Goldtip 35/55 arrows with a 100 grain 4 blade Magnus stinger

The goal is to stay inside a square that is formed by the small outer black dots.

Day 1 - acceptable
Day 1 Josh.JPG

Day 2 - felt really good
Josh day 2.JPG

Day 3 - Ahh crap
Josh Day 3.JPG

Day 4 - Nailed it
Josh day4.JPG

Day 5 - a little off
Josh day 5.JPG
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Apr 13, 2020
MER 60 yards with Annihilator 125gn Broadhead.
Kill Zone is the Heart/lung area of my Glendel Buck painted pink.

Bowtech Solution 70lbs 29.5" draw
Option Archery 8s sight
Hamskea Micro adj Pro Hunter
Bee Stinger stabs
Tight Spot Quiver

My Bow, Range, and fist shot below

Day 2. Calm and sunny. Tad low but I'll take it.

Day 3. 80 degrees almost dead calm. Shot was almost identical to day 1's shot. I'd like to be closer to the golf "T" that is in the middle of the pink. That's my "X". Still happy to be in my pink zone.


Since we only get 1 arrow a day and I'm bored, I usually shoot 60-100 a day. Figured I might as well get a couple dozen arrows fletched. LOL


Day 4
Since I stayed up most of the night on a new arrow build, left helical, I decided to shoot early today. Slightly overcast and slight breeze in my back. Slightly high shot again.


Day 5. Almost waited a day as it is pretty windy today 15 mph + but it was coming from behind and slightly left to right so I went ahead and sent it. Glad I did. Was what I felt was my best shot of the challenge. I really enjoyed participating in the CBC this year and am already looking forward to the next one. I am happy and can go back to my daily practice again though haha. I also think it's time for a new insert for the Glendel


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Jan 12, 2016
First year doing this!

75 yards max effective range on Rhinehart 18-1 block. Shooting for elk and mule deer vitals with field points. Shooting from a standing position, might shoot kneeling for a couple of the days.

Mathews V3 31, 70#, 29.5” DL, 80% let off modules
MBG Pro Custom 3 pin slider sight
Shrewd Archery Vantage 12” stabilizer
Hamskea hunter hybrid pro limb driven rest
Hamskea raptor peep
Mathews Q-Lite 2 piece quiver
ABB Platinum strings

Victory VAP TKO arrows, ~280 fps
300 spine
15% FOC
~510 grains finished weight
AAE stealth max vanes, 3 fletch w/ wrap

Day 1


Day 2

Day 3

Day 4


Day 5

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Jan 22, 2017
Santa Fe, NM
The weather decided to switch in Santa Fe today back to winter...I considered holding off a day till it calmed down but all of you posting your shots peer pressured me into risking it .

Last year I did 50yds as my MER, but I have a better tune on my bow this year plus more vane and am feeling confident at 60yds MER. My vitals on the target is a 9” diameter circle.

My bow setup is a 30.5” DL, 73lb (at draw) Prime Centergy Hybrid, GAS ghost strings, crossover 10-17 stabilizer, black gold ascent verdict 5 pin sight, hamskea hybrid hunter micro tune rest, hamskea raptor 1/8” peep, tight spot 7 arrow quiver and shooting a Nock 2 It thumb release.


My arrow setup is a victory VAP elite 250 spine 28.75” carbon to carbon, Valkyrie 20gr sleeve, 180gr LR jagger broadhead, and (4) AAE max stealth vanes. Total arrow weight is 527gr shooting about 270fps.


Day 1: 30F, 30mph wind and lightly snowing! Nature decided to punish me for picking a 60yd MER. Luckily the spot I shoot my bow has steep cliff walls that gave me a bit of wind relief. Managed to put it about 2.5” high and right, very happy with this shot as I was definitely shaky and blowing around.


Day 2: 50F, 5mph head wind, sunny. Perfect day for shooting. Somehow I pulled my shot one inch right of the kill zone. Beyond frustrated with myself and will be annoyed as hell until I can make it right tomorrow.


Day 3: 59F, 12mph head wind, sunny. Another great day for shooting besides the little bit of wind. Felt much more steady today and less nerves and shot felt great and back in the vitals. All my shots have been right, I may be tweaking my sight after this is over!


Day 4: 56F, 20mph left to right wind, sunny. I aimed towards the left of the kill zone today since I’ve been hitting right plus the wind. Definitely helped. Had to let down a few times today but managed to squeeze off a good shot after calming the nerves.


Day 5: 41F, 10mph wind left to right, sunny. I aimed pretty center of target this time thinking I wouldn’t have as much wind drift but I definitely should have held left. Gonna adjust my sight a bit too. I barely snuck it in for day 5 but hey it counts!


That’s a wrap on the ‘21 CBC, ended up 4/5 and I’m happy with that. Good luck to everyone as they wrap up over the next few days.

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Apr 15, 2021
2021 Cold Bow Challenge:
Halon 32 @ 70lb
Spot Hogg Fast Eddie XL Double Pin
Bee Stinger Stabilizers
Easton Axis 260’s w/50gr. brass inserts
Iron Will 100gr. Broadhead
(518 grains total)

MER 75 yards
8 1/2” vital outlined

Day 1 - Slight breeze towards target
Day 2, 46-degrees and 4-6 mph breeze blowing towards target.
Day 3, 29-degrees this morning but no wind!
Day 4, 37-degrees slight breeze in my face. Dropped out low right, knew it before it even left the bow...
Day 5, no wind and 39-degrees. Shot felt good but landed a little high. Ended up with two slightly out. Really enjoyed the challenge, definitely took some commitment to only shoot one arrow and not practice in between. Definitely in it next year!
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Apr 17, 2021
I figured I’d play along the CBC this year. I set my MER range at 50 yards. My current setup-

Elite Impulse 34 set at 72 pounds
Spot Hogg Tommy Hogg
Hamski hybrid hunter rest
Tight spot quiver
Easton Axis 340 with 50 grain brass inset
AAE Max Stealth vanes
Slick Trick standard 100 grain head
Total arrow weight is right at 460 grains
Carter RX1 release

I hunt ever thing from antelope to elk so I try to keep my shots within 6 inch groups. Small enough for antelope vitals with plenty of room to spare on a elk.

Day #2
I had the unfortunate luck of getting a emergency double root canal this morning. To say I really wasn’t up to shooting today is a understatement. But I did it anyways and got my one shot in. Slight left to right breeze. Right on the edge of my predetermined kill zone but considering everything I’ll take it.
Day #3
About a 10-15 mile hour wind from right to left. I ended up holding about 5-6 inches right to account for the wind. I guessed right and hit an inch above my mark.
Perfect conditions to shoot today. Unfortunately I didn’t do my part. I felt rushed to get my one arrow in today after work. If I rush a shoot I have a tendency to hit high. I know this and that’s the result I got. It is definitely a good enough shot for a kill but I know I’m better then that. I’m more disappointed in me then I am the shot.
Today’s shot was on the money. No need to pull out the tape measure. Pretty happy to end it this way. I was able to keep all my shots within a 6-8 inch group. For the most part I’m happy with it. The hardest part for me was only shooting one arrow per day. I usually run anywhere between 30-70 arrows a day. Great way to really make you concentrate on making that one shot. 27E39443-94FF-413F-B8DB-AB4BADE492A2.jpeg
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Nov 12, 2019

40 yards shooting at the 1/3 scale caribou. Pretty breezy. Shooting field points

Bowtech Reckoning at 70#, CBE Engage Hybrid sight, Hamskea Hunter Hybrid rest, Gas string, Black Eagle Spartan 250 arrow 485 grains and a TruBall Go2 release

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Day 2: nice day with a slight breeze. Must have dropped my arm...

Day 3: very nice day, no excuses...

Day 4: just finished a MTNTOUGH workout. Still low

Day 5: very windy with evening sun glaring in my peep
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Sep 28, 2019
Picked up trad this year and boy is it fun but boy is it a challenge. MER of 25 yards and my makeshift bag target haha.

Bow is an October Mountain Product Sector ILF w/ #50 limbs
Using a fishing string rest drilled into the riser
Black Eagle vintage arrows w/ 4 AAE trad vanes (555 grain total weight)
Shooting 3 under with a string clicker (also started to play around with the RMS grip clicker - boy is my grip inconsistent haha!)
Working with 125gr Day 6 Evo Broadheads

Right now would like to kill an elk or whitetail with it so we will say anything within 3" of center black circle will do for vitals/good shot.


Day 1 - beautiful day, no wind - 4" high (messed up my point hold, decent release though)

Day 2 - another beautiful day...but shot low and left about 4 inches... not ideal and not happy with my performance thus far haha (but I did go rock climbing today so the fingers/release probably wasn't super clean lol)

Day 3 - no wind, just a little low. Need to bring my point hold up a little bit I think. A bit around the board on these shots. Hopefully can dial it in the next 2 days

Day 4 - Better today (finally ha). Only about an inch high.

Day 5 - Finally dialed it in on the last 2 days, luckily I'm a quick learner ha. Just needed a bit of practice...and now that this is done I can again! Thanks Rokslide for everything you all do.
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May 7, 2018
Haven't had the time to properly tune my newest bow (PSE Xpedite) to the degree that I'd like but I wouldn't hesitate to take it hunting as is so I decided to use it for the challenge this year.
Shooting at the green portion of a Rhinehart 18-1 to simulate about a 6-8 inch vital area.

MER: 40 yards
Bow: 2018 PSE Xpedite 65#, 28 inch draw
Sight: MBG Mountain Lite
Spider 8 inch stabilizer
Silverback Release
Axis 300's with vented IW 100 grain broadhead. (I may switch everyday of CBC between vented and solid IW broadheads because it would depend on the game I was shooting at if this were hunting).
Edit: Ended up using the same IW V100 broadhead everyday since wind was a serious factor most days.

Day 1: Barely nicked the upper right portion of the vitals. Would be very upset with myself if this were a real hunt. But that's why I love this challenge.. humbling to say the least.

Day 2: Ever heard the old saying better to be lucky than good? I felt that way today when my arrow released and I happened to hit what would have been right in the boiler room if I were shooting at game. Shot the vented IW 100 again and I think I'll stick with vented for the whole CBC just to stay consistent . Shot didn't feel great, slight breeze in my face on a beautiful sunny day. Shot felt like I pulled it but it was right on the money. Looking forward to day 3 already....
IMG_3569 2.JPG

Day 3: First time during this years CBC that the shot felt great. Good result followed. Wind was negligible today after it was whipping 30 mph+ the last two days in a row. Sunny and calm day. Looking forward to wrapping it up on days 4 and 5 with shots like this. If I end up getting 4/5 in the target zoneI may think about expanding my MER for next year's challenge.
IMG_3571 2.JPG
Day 4: Straight up missed today. High and left. Wind at my back at a steady 10-15 mph. Shot didn't feel good on the release. Looking forward to rectifying tomorrow for my last shot.
Day 5: Horrendous. Terrible. Embarrassing. All those words properly describe my day 5 shot. A terribly low miss that I'm lucky didn't bury into the ground and mess up my IW broadhead. Was about 60 degrees with gusty winds.
Since this was day 5 I practiced a bunch after with field points and they were all hitting significantly higher than my broadhead. Looking forward to getting some new strings on this bow and doing a proper broadhead tune. Thanks as always for putting on the challenge to the mods and sponsors. I learn something new about archery and bowhunting every year I compete.


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May 31, 2017
Elite Energy 32
Hamskea rest
Gold ring 4 pin
Axis 5mm
Muzzy 3 blade
8.5" plate
60 yards off my knees

Day 1:
Windy all over the place. Thought I caught a still moment.
Day 2:
Windy all over the place. Anxiety now has control. 😬 Last night I considered moving my target to a more protected area, but honestly, I hunt open country mule deer in South Dakota and Wyoming. If I'm not figuring on wind in my shots I'm not being realistic.

Day 3:
Colder and windier than ever. LOL. Gusting to 25 I guess.

Day 4:
Calm and cool. By far the worst release so far. The streak has been broken!

Day 5:
Mild wind. Cold. Shot felt good. Big takeaway is I am a 60 yard archer under calm conditions. With wind I need to get closer, but wind makes getting closer much easier. The work over the years has paid off and better equipment was definitely worth the investment.
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