2020 Turkey Success Thread

On the board here from the hill country in WI. Came in with two other toms. I drew on his buddy who quickly changed direction and hit my anchor as this guy filled his place. My brother in law shot the one I drew on about 5 hours later this afternoon. I was fortunate enough to use a broad head from my grandfathers quiver that he used back around the 50s and 60s when he shot his last buck with a bow around Winchester, WI.


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Birds are getting harder and harder to call. Got this jake on public land today

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In MN we get one tag, and a seven day season. I'm still pretty new -- my first bird was called in by a buddy, and I haven't scored since then -- so not being able to travel to my known areas meant I had to start from scratch on public land closer to home. But after five days of screw-ups, close encounters, and a shortage of dumb good luck, at 6:30am on day six, it all came together just like it’s supposed to.


Being forced to hunt alone and in a new area taught me more in the last week about turkeys and hunting them and spring in MN than I've learned in the previous three years together. And got a big dose of reminders that the world is, despite us and our problems, still turning.
My son filled his 3rd turkey tag earlier today. He was patient and waited for a better bird as we had Jake's attacking the decoys. On the way to the next spot we saw a couple nice toms and were able to run 'n gun and get him a shot. Now that his spring season is over, it's time for me to go fill a tag!20200502_120527.jpg
I had a goal to take a gobbler with an Allen Model Compound. I found a 1969 model for sale from one of the most humble old hunters I ever met. He was excited for my quest and gave me some of the same wood arrows he used to hunt with along with some bleeder blades from the Bear Razorheads that had tipped them. After acquiring some vintage Razorheads I was set. Long story short, I didn’t take one Iowa gobbler with it, I took two! Shot 15-20 seconds apart. I think she earned her right to retire!67F72C82-4ECE-41FE-91C3-785E7305FB99.jpeg
My son and l made it back out to Nebraska. We luckily got our tags before they stopped selling the non resident tags. We saw a group of 3-4 gobblers in a private ag field that bordered public. We were able to circle around them on the public, and set up a feeding hen decoy in a picture perfect river bottom. I called a few times and waited. We sat there for 20-30 minutes and I was getting ready to think the gobblers weren’t going to show up. Just as we were getting ready to call it quits and check out a new spot, a gobble thundered from our right, really close. The gobblers had seen the decoy and they came straight in. Two mature birds came straight in and proceeded to strut around our decoy. My son settled on the gun and Boom-Flop! A perfect shot and a great bird in a beautiful spot. Couldn’t ask for a better way to social distance for a few days!!

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