2020 Turkey Success Thread

That's a toad!

Love those giant Iowa birds.
Thanks, it was a great surprise, as we were walking into the blind and he decided to light me up from the nearby timber, so my buddy called behind me while I posted in some stickers. 5 minutes later, I have my turkey from 15 yards. Got lucky! I'll be doing a full body mount on him.
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Had no luck Turkey hunting on Wednesday 5/6 so I sat on the porch practice my calls and at 8:30pm a Gobbler started calling back to me from the roost. We called back and forth for about 20 mins or so, which really allows me to tune my calls. Fast forward to Thursday morning. I got up at 6am made coffee and went to the same chair on the porch trying to recreate the the same scenario from the night before. Clucked and coo’d for about an hour or so and nothing, but without warning the Gobbler fires back up! I start calling softly feinting like I was further away. It worked and 30 mins later he was over an embankment about 20 yards ways. I snuck off the porch to the back of the trailer and clucked a few time and low and behold he popped on the top of the embankment. One 22 mag shot from behind the corner of the trailer to the neck and he was on the ground. I’m was still in my PJs for it all.


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My buddy and I bought a small farm together last summer. We hunted the same blind while we were “social distancing” and had two gobblers come in after our decoy. Doubled up on them on the count of 3. One had a double beard. Priceless as that may never happen again!


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last day of the season here in Oregon, me and my buddy decided to head out and do it the hard way. No blind, no decoys. Spot and stalk for turkey. We’re both pretty new at this, but we located a gobbler, put the stalk on him and just before noon I punched my first ever tag. Couldn’t imagine a better end to the season. So appreciative for this form and the advice/expertise from y’all.


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Tag filled in Minnesota this spring. A lot more people out there this year compared to previous which made it a little tougher.
