2020 Cold Bow Challenge Question/Comment Thread

Wind got me, as well as shooting too far with my stick bow.

Oh well. Lots of time til September. As much as I change stuff I'll have shot 2-3 different arrow setups between now and then.
I feel if you're not truly pushing yourself, you'll likely get all five in there, at least that's my excuse ahahahahahaha
Another storm blew in with strong winds and snow!

Supposed to be short, but dang, ready for this winter thing to be over.

I had just had the kids all carry my dumbbells from the basement and line them up in the driveway. LOL. They had to move them all to the garage. 😒😕
I was just gonna complain that you guys were supposed to keep this windy snowy crap but if you are still getting it I won't complain too much. Got my shot in before the wind came. 10 minutes later it was sunny for about 10 seconds then wind came that would have blown my arrow into the next county with no warning.
Black Ovis is in with an Arrow ID on dozen arrow custom build valued at up to $225

Black Ovis Arrow Build.jpg
I know I'm shooting a lot worse, but I hadn't shot my hunting bow in 6 months except a half dozen to make sure it was still on.

Misery loves company.

That’s also why I believe in the challenge so much, because it gets guys to get their equipment out earlier.

A few in here on here better thank me come July because you’ll actually be able to relax a little bit knowing that you’ve been shooting.

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Lots of wind today :ROFLMAO:

It's blowing a solid 20-25ish with gusts to 35-40 right now, almost full value.

Normally I would just skip that shot but for fun I'll throw another target up to the downwind side and give it a shot. Few hours before I get home though.
Number two, it’s a personal challenge, so pick your maximum Yardage that you would take a shot at an animal at under good conditions. That’s all we’re holding you too.

I'm glad I came back to check this. I wasn't sure how we were using MER -- everyone shoots so damn good these days at 60-80 I felt insecure with an MER at 40! Every year I shoot every day. Last year I bumped by "green light" distance to 50. Bull came into 52. Lost that bull -- adrenaline, angle, realizing how much my pins cover the vitals, too much tension weight on my release, etc. At the end of the year, I took a tally of the animals that I've killed and every animal under 43 died in sight. Past that, horror stories become the dominant theme. So, I'm focused on getting closer, being patient, making a good shot at 40 or under, or walk out.
I don’t think the girlfriend and I are going to make it out today. The kids homework/schoolwork is taking forever!!! It doesn’t help I have to drive 20-25 minutes to the range. I’m considering popping off a shot in a field but my luck the sheriff will drive by at that exact moment.
Started today. Should have been doing this the last couple years but never did. Thanks for getting us out shooting.

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I shot. Kinda 973FE1F0-E070-42D5-BD33-33350466E2B8.jpegWish I hadn’t. Not sure I can embed the photo from my phone so official picture and explanation in the challenge post may be tomorrow when I have my computer at work. Bad wind call, rushed shot, etc. not even close. Oh well. Glad you don’t have to hit the zone each time to qualify!!!

Edit - Seem to be able to post pic here but it's rotated. On wife's computer I tried to quote it over to the main thread and it just shows as an attachment. I'll update tomorrow from my work computer when I can get into imgur. No idea what my password is for that site but that computer stays logged in.
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I'm glad I came back to check this. I wasn't sure how we were using MER -- everyone shoots so damn good these days at 60-80 I felt insecure with an MER at 40! Every year I shoot every day. Last year I bumped by "green light" distance to 50. Bull came into 52. Lost that bull -- adrenaline, angle, realizing how much my pins cover the vitals, too much tension weight on my release, etc. At the end of the year, I took a tally of the animals that I've killed and every animal under 43 died in sight. Past that, horror stories become the dominant theme. So, I'm focused on getting closer, being patient, making a good shot at 40 or under, or walk out.

Amen bro! That’s all the mods and me are asking people to do, think it through. What is your true MER? Don’t shoot shorter or longer.

That’s why you’ll see some posts got dropped (or asked to restart) for guys shooting too short, yet other ones are shooting at 30 with a compound and we’re OK with it. We had discussions with those guys and figured it out, that’s all they’re capable of.

Then you have guys like Randy, Tony Trietch, and Marc Smith and other members pounding them in there from 60-80.

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