2020 Blacktail Success Thread


Oct 16, 2017
Heres mine. 15-20 yards with my FA 475 linebaugh. Darn thing made it 75 yards downhill with no front shoulders!




Oct 11, 2020
Went out last night around 5 after my son had his braces put on after first day of school. We picked a spot along the canyon to sit and watch til dark. Hoping to catch a deer moving towards water. Took my son on his third hunt and my sister whose never been out hunting before. She is photographer and brought a long lens to film the hunt. So after a steep short hot sweaty hike up to the lookout point we set up and started glassing. My sister screwed around with camera and whatnot while son and I looked for deer. After a couple hours of not seeing anything my son says there’s a deer. So we put focus on its head looking for antlers. My sister who doesn’t have any binos goes there’s one right there. 300yards across canyon in the wide open is 4deer moving towards water. A quick scan with binos shows a buck with head poking out of weeds drinking. I told my son let’s get set up for the a shot just in case. Trying to keep him calm we set pad on rock and put rifle on it. He slid in on the gun but could get steady enough. I went back up the hill and got my sisters pack to put under his elbow. Ended up having to move to another spot and he was able to get comfortable with my pack under his elbow and waited for broadside shot. I put in his earplugs and watched his finger then the deer then his finger, then bang. I unplugged my ears and picked binos back up to see the deer stumbling around bloodied. Unfortunately in the heat of the moment my sister just snapped a bunch of stills of the shot and stumbles, roll and expiration no video. After a little celebration and gathering our stuff back up we made our way back down to the buck. After a few pics I gave a quick gutting tutorial since he had to get to bed for school today I didn’t let him do it. I made short work of it, rinsed the little bit of gut out with crick warter and we started the drag out. Made it home by 10:30 and he made it to bed by 11. I however spent a few more hours skinning and cleaning up the shoulders of bone frag and bloodshot. Caught a few z’s bedore my epidural injection this morning.
His first time shooting my rifle, the first kill with the new set up, first animal killed with ammo I loaded myself, sisters first hunting experience and his first buck. Was a rad evening.

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Meat looks good.
Oct 1, 2019
I don’t post much I’m not very big on bragging to the internet community. However I am extremely proud of my wife, as I don’t believe in social media I suppose this is a place I can brag about her hunting accomplishments. After hunting for three years this blacktail is her fourth buck, yes I’m aware that doesn’t add up last year she shot a blacktail here and a whitetail in Idaho. 450 yard shot through both lungs. To make the experience even more special our youngest was with us to share the experience.


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