2018 Best Bull Elk Photo Contest, sponsored by Kifaru

Interesting entry. This is my bull, but it is my dad in the photo and myself behind the camera. This is the shot I wanted, but didn't get. Muzzleloader CO on 9/14/18. It is the best photo we got. DIY public land.

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Here is my 2018 Archery Elk. I've archery hunted hard for the past few years, however this was my first big game kill! 21 inch long fronts are sure hard to photograph, but hopefully you guys like it!

Tayson, that’s a super bull!

This thread really blew up lately, I wonder if it’s attributed to season opening dates, or the rut heating up? Or guys just getting around post their photos ha ha

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There are some stud bulls this year! Nice job guys!

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Thanks Robby! Yea I found out because my brother tagged me in your Facebook Post! I think if we get some social sharing going it could do really well!
Logan- story time. I enjoyed reading last years recap, care to go over your couple week season again in a new thread?
Logan- story time. I enjoyed reading last years recap, care to go over your couple week season again in a new thread?

Yeah I could probably put up a recap here sometime before too long. It was a pretty short but pretty sweet year again. A couple big bulls and my cousin shot a bull the day before I got mine. It was an awesome weekend.

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Utahs hunt is 30 days long and I managed to get half of it off work. Lots of people talked about how bad the hunt was this year but I stuck with it until the last day when I managed to get a 51 yard shot that somehow dropped him in only a few yards and I managed to film a large majority of it. He may not be contest winning but I'm proud of what he represents....

The picture is how he landed, I walked down and picked the arrow up that laid beside him and stood it up for the pic then took the shot. No other human influence on the shoot at all not even post production edits.


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My buddy, Ross, snapped this image of me following the loaded pack goats out of the woods at sunrise on Monday, September 17. The previous morning I’d shot my first bull, a big, beautiful herd bull, after a 30-minute shouting match. He ran in hard on a sequence of challenge bugles and raking, and I put one in his heart at 40 yards. I found him 20 yds away. After hauling the first load out 6.5 miles, Ross joined me with the goats for an all-nighter to bone out and retrieve the rest of the meat. What an experience.

IMG_0076 by brian holcombe, on Flickr
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2018 Idaho Public Land DIY OTC Bull

Buddy called him in to 20 yards. It took 3+ hours to find him due to a 1 lung shot. Finished cutting at about 1am and then packed two meat bags back to our backcountry camp. My wife wanted to come help us with the packout, so when we met her at the truck the next day with the first two bags of meat out, she came back in with my buddy and I to the carcass and we let her take the antlers and skull since it was a mean 600 feet of vert back up to 8100 feet. I got this sweet picture of her that evening! She Loves the mountains!

Pics man!