2018 Best Bull Elk Photo Contest, sponsored by Kifaru

Montana bull, had a grinder of a hunt in Oregon so I thought Montana would be the same...four hours into my hunt found a little herd. Herd bull was working cows pretty good, my bull kept bugling and I slipped in and called him into 30 yards solo. As you can tell from my quiver it got a little western but ended up in a dead bull! First out of state elk hunt, solo in some awesome country!

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2018 Idaho Public Land DIY OTC Bull

Buddy called him in to 20 yards. It took 3+ hours to find him due to a 1 lung shot. Finished cutting at about 1am and then packed two meat bags back to our backcountry camp. My wife wanted to come help us with the packout, so when we met her at the truck the next day with the first two bags of meat out, she came back in with my buddy and I to the carcass and we let her take the antlers and skull since it was a mean 600 feet of vert back up to 8100 feet. I got this sweet picture of her that evening! She Loves the mountains!



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2018 Washington public land OTC bull. I chose this picture because it outlines the Western Washington jungles so well.

Grew up hunting with a rifle in hand. After 4 years of archery, this is my first elk and first archery kill. Came into 4 yards which is helpful in the thick stuff! It’s been an exciting season. I’m always jealous when I see the typically wider open spaces of the greater west, compared to our thick underbrush. Great bulls everyone!

Here's my best archery bull ever that I shot the 1st evening of my 2018 Wyoming hunt last weekend. I shot him right at dark and the 80 deg temps meant only night photos for me this year!


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2018 Elk 2.jpg

Awesome bulls and pics everyone! Here is my 2018 MT archery bull. I liked the evening light and setting for this pic, and it was nice he fell in such a way that I could prop up his rack. My best archery bull to date.
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My wife called this bull in to 23 yards for me. It was just a few days after she killed her first archery bull. Even though she was tagged out she stuck around to help me out!
I think she was just as excited as me when I killed a bull she called in!


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September 8th, 2018 at 8pm: Idaho OTC
My very first archery bull came on a string to some cow calls. Tongue hanging out and quartered to at 32 yards I dropped the hammer with a perfect heart shot. With my husband by my side we celebrated as we watched him tip to his final resting place.
As the real work began all I could think about was next September!


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