2018 Bear Success Thread

Kenia Wilderness. My buddy's bear, but I'm claiming an assist as the spotter, assistant packer, and the one with the meat in the freezer (except for the ham I have curing in my fridge...). About 20 miles in the Zodiac followed by a 7 mile pack up to treeline for camp.
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I took this black bear over Memorial Day weekend hiking in on the Kenai Peninsula. I was about 8 miles back from the truck to where I killed him. I had stopped at a small creek surrounded by alders to fill up my nalgene. As soon as I was done and walked 20 ft back up to my pack and rifle, he walked down that creek that I was just standing at a minute later. I don’t think he noticed me, I let out a whistle to get him to turn broadside for a shot. Once he turned enough, I fired one shot from my .300 win mag. He took off crashing through the alders away from me and made it about 50 ft.

I spent the next 2 days shuttling him back to the truck, it took 3 loads to get everything out. He had a lot of fat on him for a spring bear! Measured 6’2” and skull was 18 7/16” I believe. Some cool battle scars on his face.


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My husband got drawn for a special archery elk tag for last September here in western Washington. We spent the who;e month of September hunting that tag, so i brought my 30-06 along. The woods had been closed for fire danger, but the first day they re-opened we went in to check out game cameras. First we decided to look at this hillside that looked promising for bear. Walked in a couple miles fell on my butt while crossing a ditch getting ready to glass this hillside and saw a bear with my naked eyes. I got set up on a stump and got him just as he was heading into the timber. He rolled down the hill but got up so I shot him again, this time in the heart. weighed 120 lbs hanging weight. He was a 3 year old. Good eating!2018bear.jpg
About a week later we were walking up a logging road in the rain. When we got to the top the rain cleared and I saw a bear digging in a stump a couple hundred yards away. He disappeared around the back of it, i jumped up on a knoll and got set up. He came around the side of the stump and sat there facing us. Hubby said" I see him" but I already had my crosshairs on him and dropped him. It was a brutal climb up through the berries ripped my rain pants up . As we were going up a spike and couple of cows came out within bow range, but Hubby passed on him.
This bear was 130 lbs no head or hide, also a 3 year old bear.2018secondbear.jpg