2011 options... want opinions from people who know

Oct 24, 2015
W. Wa
Looks like I'm not the only one with the 2011 bug. I've always thought 1911s were sexy but too nice looking... these "2011"s are something else however, and I want one.

The price gets out of control quickly though. Something like a Sand Viper or Atlas(among many others that are up there) no doubt look super cool and probably shoot damn good, but there's no way I could ever in a million years justify that kind of money on a gun. Honestly, anything above $2500 is probably out - I just can't justify it.

So that brings me down to the two big contenders in this price range - the Staccato offerings(P and C/CS mostly) and SA Prodigy. I know about Dan Wesson, none of those really tickle my fancy. I also seen the Platypus, but those have a 5-6 month wait.

Couple questions...

Are there any other options I'm overlooking in this price bracket(up to $2500)? I want to stick with 9mm.

The Prodigy seems to get decent reviews(save for the first ones out of the factory, those seemed to be hit or miss). Would it really be worth it to put ~$1200 more up to get a Staccato? Am I really going to see $1200 worth of difference?

I just don't want to buy a $1200 hi-point equivalent is all haha.

Thank you.
Staccato is worth the money. So is the Platypus. I have both. Forget the Prodigy.

I would say go platypus and pay the $100 for the lightest trigger pull option for a range/target gun. Buy a bunch of Glock 19x, 19 round factory magazines (these have the plus two base and 11 coil springs added to a glock 17 magazine).

One thing with Staccato. The top end models (XL and XC) have better triggers and are in a different class than their other offerings. I would go Playtpus over a Staccato P.
The best thing going right now is the used market. High end stuff (firearms, campers, etc) are not selling well.

I would look to your local USPSA group for a good used 2011. The limited division has slowed down tremendously and there are good deals to be had.
I have one of the early Prodigy guns. It was a pain to get running right, but that was all due to the springer paint job. The ceracoat was laid on so thick on the rails it was forming a slurry with the lube and slowed the slide down.

Once I figured that out and buffed the rails it has been a favorite shooter. 2011s are incredible shooters. I shoot with a guy that has a Stac P and it’s pretty awesome too, although we have shot them side by side and other than the optic on his they both feel the same. I have an EGW fire control group in mine, but the factory trigger was pretty nice.
The short answer is yes, the Staccato is worth it over a Prodigy. You’ll end up spending the difference in parts to get the Prodigy to the same level of reliability. Staccatos work out of the box. Just keep them well oiled.
Bul makes a good one in the SAS 2. They are around $2000 but hard to get currently as they are made in Israel. They do not use standard 2011 magazines so you have to source extras from them. Price is good.

The Platupus can't be labeled a true 2011 as it has a one piece aluminum grip/frame but its well thought out and has one of the best systems for optic mounting and retaining the rear sight. No MIM parts. Accurate and easy to shoot. If you pick the light trigger upgrade it will have a better trigger than any factory Staccato. Can't say enough about it using glock magaznes!

Another not quite 2011 is the Oracle Arms 2311. It's gathering some attention. Takes Sig magazines.

Not a 2011 but Sig Sauer is putting out nice single action versions of their classic pistols now. Check out the Sig P226 Xfive Legion.
I have a Wilson Combat EDC X9L (5") and my buddy has a prodigy. There's not much of a comparison. However, he has almost 1k flawless rounds down it. Mine technically isn't a 2011 because it doesn't have a grip module but whatever.

I wouldn't own one but I found mine at a gunshow for $900. Someone who had no business owning such a firearm had it. They assembled it incorrectly and broke the guide rod and it was missing a couple pieces. They thought it was broken for good. I bought $78 worth of parts from Wilson and now I have a fully functional bad ass pistol.

I'll be sending it in for a threaded barrel to shoot with my mojave on it and I'll get a SRO mounted on it. I don't own a ton of pistols but 1911s are my favorite and this is the cream of the crop for what I own. I don't think you'll hate a prodigy but if you have the budget, lick up a used stacatto.

I considered a 2011. All the cool kids have them, and they look awesome! For the price of a Staccato though, a G45, Radian afterburner, and $1,200 worth of 9mm seems like a much better option.
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I'm in the G45 and Radian crowd. But just to be different, I've heard good things about Jacob Gray's TWC9. It's the one I'd buy, and I qualify for Staccato LEO discount. That is, of course, if you're actually going to carry it.
The new bul armory tac pro 5" looks like a pretty sweet 2011 gun to get into that world.
I'm considering it as I want an XC really badly but can't justify that cost just yet. Also, I've never held one or shot one or been around one so it's all window shopping at this point. But the itch is there and needs some scratches

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