20 years ago - Advice to your younger self


Apr 21, 2018
Northern Nevada
Don’t walk away from the beautiful brunette on the dance floor at a FFA event to go chase the hot red head.

Don’t do that thing you did on the quad after you turned 19 that almost killed you.

While smoking weed may have been fun at times don’t ever freaking ever pick up a cigarette.

Always take your rifle with you after you shoot a hog. Even if it bang flops and cart wheels.

Pace yourself the first time you swipe a bottle of liquor from the old man.

Water will freeze in the bottle of gray goose that you put back in your grandma’s freezer.

Your parents were also 17 at one point, so just skip the whole bull shitting around the truth bit.

For the love of God stay away from the red head.

Don’t get buck fever when that massive 5x4 walks out that time you hunted with Uncle Bobby.

Lighten up on your father, he’s only human.

Sports and the drama associated with them while entertaining at times probably is not worth the squeeze in the end.

The guy that was rude to my mom should be punched harder and longer.

Did I mention a red head? For the love of Christ stay the **** away from the redhead.
Dec 12, 2012
Casper, Wyoming
I would say travel as much as you can. Go to those places you want to go too as someday will never come. Take risks! Don’t but a new truck. Don’t buy the house. Go on a honey moon. Don’t be so cheap. Spend time hunting and go camping. Don’t live in tomorrow, live in today.


Aug 18, 2023
Don't work yourself to death and destroy your body for some employer that will kick you to the curb at first chance when you are injured. Take more time to enjoy life.
When you are 9 and catch the biggest bass of your life go find an adult to see how to measure it. ( I did weigh it 8lbs. 7 ounce) would love to have a replica.

Oh and shoot the bear next time instead of just looking at it. Was a real nice black bear.


Jun 12, 2019
Hunt and travel more... spent A LOT of time hunting within 3-4 hrs of home or school. Looking back tags were cheap, easy to get, and in general the hunting was better out west. It has become a complete sh!t show in most places.

I also would have tunred guiding into as close to a year round pursuit as possible. Had offers to go to Alaska and guide or Canada a do some packing. But when you are younger you just think it will always be an option.
Jul 15, 2018
Southwest Ohio / WV Native
Save your knees.

Don't know that I'd really change much, but my body really starting to feel dumb stuff I did.
I didn't listen to any advice anyways.


Abused my body when I was young and dumber in both military and work. Paying for it now.

Take care of yourself while your young and your older self will thank you.

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Mar 16, 2016
oof this is going to be a long list

DONT date that girl your senior year of high school, you'll date into college.... you are going to waste a lot of time and fun.

Yes you idiot, your hot 24 year old high school counselor was into you....(dont worry you'll see her later when you are 23)

Don't hurt your back or your knees trying to impress people... you'll pay for that later

Those two hot girls in college who invited you over to wax your chest.... yeah that's not why they invited you dummy

Sports aren't the only thing you need to focus on. Youre not going to play in the NFL or the NBA and school will matter.

Don't go to college to get a 4 year degree to make your mom happy, find a trade you're interested in and focus there.

Take better care of your truck in high school.... youll end up driving that for 13 years until a little korean lady T-bones you

Start your retirement sooner and take it seriously

don't get complacent with your career


Aug 31, 2018
1) Make it a point to hunt with dad every year, whether on deer lease or out of state hunt
2) Spend more time hunting with the old man you befriended while working at the archery shop in college
3) Write stuff down. Locations, GPS coordinates, mountain names, creek names, etc. You will want to go back places you hunted with that old man in Colorado. You will want to go back to a certain spot in Utah where your family camped (a lot) when you were 6 and living in Salt Lake and you will most likely never find that spot again
4) Save up and go on a moose hunt, it will only get more and more expensive
5) on Nov 7, 2018 do not take the rifle to the stand. The deer you are after will walk in and stop broadside inside 15yds. You got nervous the neighbor would get him and you reasoned it was wet/misting rain and you didn't want to chance he would come by out of range of the bow. Would have been an easy bow shot and you dang near shot over him with the rifle because he was so close
6) use good chain on your traps, the black coyote you were after will get caught, wrap the chain around a cedar bush no bigger than your thumb and break the chain. You will never see the trap the old man in #2 gave you or the black coyote ever again
7) shoot the red stag that showed up in your pasture. You will only have him in the crosshairs that one time. The neighbor with the high fence has no way to get him back in. (Also take your kids seriously when they tell you they saw a giant buck out on the backside of the place)
8) hold lower on that south texas buck you got the shot at with your bow
9) hold lower on that giant buck in Kansas that you shot over twice with rifle

That is just the hunting related stuff

Educate yourself on the stock market BEFORE you lose a nice chunk of change. DO NOT buy that penny stock. Matter of fact, spend that money on land and make a fat profit in 2022-23 and go on a few hunts :D

Invest a little more than comfortable in your 401K

I regret some of the choices I made when I was younger but those choices got me where I am today and it is not that bad of a place to be.
Could always be better but could be a lot worse too ;)
Oct 19, 2017
That ugly chick in high school is going to turn into an absolute smoke show in about 5 years. Just hang in there

also stop spending money an learn how to save and invest it.
Buy a house now
Your boss doesn't give 2 shits about you. When it comes to jobs, loyalty is over rated