2 preference points for Wyoming elk and mule deer

May 14, 2018
NE FLORIDA in a small town called Palatka
I have 2 preference points going into 2024 season( I know it's still a year away) what are my chances of pulling a general archery tag for elk in Wyoming. With the point creep I would think at least 3-5 points but you never know. I'm thinking more then likely it will be OTC in Colorado unless I pull a unit that takes 1 point
All this is new to me(elk hunting draw systems) sorry
Do yourself a favor and take the time to learn how the draw processes work in your chosen states. That education will allow you to better understand the answers you get to your questions and put you ahead of the 1000’s that will apply in 2024 that have no clue how the draws are conducted.
Big changes coming to the NR draw next year and draw odds may be out the window due to them. We have a Special draw price increase and NR regions going into affect for elk ,I believe on the regions next year.
No way to know how the odds will play out now.

Deer can be drawn with 0-2 PPs in some regions and areas, we also have some deer changes coming I'm afraid for a few regions to combat CWD prevalence.

Guys telling you to burn and get out might just be looking out for their onw draw odds, lol.
You'll be less than 10% odds for a standard general elk tag for at least the next 5 draws, probably longer. Might be slightly above 10% in the special draw, hard to say.
Big changes coming to the NR draw next year and draw odds may be out the window due to them. We have a Special draw price increase and NR regions going into affect for elk ,I believe on the regions next year.
No way to know how the odds will play out now.

Deer can be drawn with 0-2 PPs in some regions and areas, we also have some deer changes coming I'm afraid for a few regions to combat CWD prevalence.

Guys telling you to burn and get out might just be looking out for their onw draw odds, lol.
Thanks for the info...definitely wasn't going to just burn my points and get out lol....I kinda took that as the way u started above. Sometimes good things come to those that wait and I'll do just that 😌
I have 2 preference points going into 2024 season( I know it's still a year away) what are my chances of pulling a general archery tag for elk in Wyoming. With the point creep I would think at least 3-5 points but you never know. I'm thinking more then likely it will be OTC in Colorado unless I pull a unit that takes 1 point
The way it's looking for drawing tags as a NR the next few years I'm thinking a person might be better off finding a side gig & stashing the $$ away for a landowner tag somewhere. Probably will be hunting quicker that way TBH
Bingo. To those that "don't have time" for a side gig, look into umpiring baseball or softball. There is a shortage nationally and there are quite a few games paying cash in just about every community. I did 87 games this season... Could have paid for a guided hunt with one spring and summer of side work. Instead I bought my son a new rifle, a new shotgun, and paid for a great family vacation.