Be careful what you ask for....LOL. In texas, its mostly private land and you pay lease fee to hunt on top of the tags. I stopped paying the lease fees when my lease climbed to 2000 per deer season, per hunter in addition to tags! I realize that's not really what you meant, but I mentioned it just to put things in perspective.
I do think what your saying is whats going to happen though. Meaning.....if hunting numbers do climb exponentially, there will be more hunts and locations placed into draw hunts, and less OTC availability. Just my thoughts on which they will head. I think its important to maintain some OTC availability though as well. As much as I like Texas, I absolutely hate the lack of public land hunting availability. Yes there is some, but its not very widespread. And I don't like the concept of paying 2k to sit in deer blinds over feeders waiting for deer to show up. Not ALL texas deer hunting is that way, but a lot of it IS. Id rather pay the Non Res fees to hunt the mtns out of state. But with that said, its already expensive!