10x42 binos

I was looking at the Maven B1.2 also but to me the Torics are as good but a few hundred bucks less. There are other good choice also I just didn't want to agonize and analyze forever. I bought the Tracts and have not looked back.
This is good to know, I am debating between these exact ones but am leaning towards the Tracts.👍
If you were willing to go just over $1k, the Alpen Rainiers are incredible and Explore Scientific will cover all warranty work. I have a set (8x42) and wouldn't trade them for anything (I've owned Ziess Conquest HDs as well as a few pair of Leupolds)

My Bushnell Forge binos are good as well but they don't compare to the Rainiers.
I think you get what you pay for in this business. Be a smart buyer and try different optics before you buy. There's really not alot of difference among brands at the various price points. Personal preference is very important.
I haven't seen anything better than the Nikon Monarch HG for sub 1k. They may or may not work for your eyes, but the pairs I tried have been stunning for the price.

Otherwise used Meostars would be a great choice. They regularly come up in the classifieds for $700-900 or less.

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