1-Ply or 2-Ply Toilet Paper for First Backpack Trip

Wait, you guys bring toilet paper? True backpack, ounce counting hunters don’t use toilet paper. We wipe with leaves, rocks or even fingers like the barrel chested badasses god created!
The lightest option for a serious backcountry hunter is a 2-ply peeled in half with the corners cut: 2.8 grains per sheet
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2-ply. You chafe yourself with the 1-ply and your hunt is over as well as your possibility to walk back to the truck. Pretty much got to rollover and die from embarrassment at that point.
And don't ever use a clorox wipe. You'll only try that once.
Funny story, back when I was playing nurse in the ED had the typical Otis Campbell drunk roll in one night to "sleep it off", get a meal and a bag of fluids. He knew everybody in the ED and we knew him. Harmless nice guy.
I had him one night and was going in to discharge him. Hes got his shirt off pants down and the container of hospital grade clorox wipes and giving himself a bath.
"Hey Tony, these things smell great!"
"They sure do "Otis", they sure do." 🤣
Ok guys, I've hit a major crossroads here and hoping you could shed some light. Do I bring 1-ply TP, which is lighter and breaks down faster, or do I go with the extra weight, go 2-ply knowing it will also take up more space in the backpack?

In case it's not obvious (and if not, that's scary), this post is written tongue in cheek. Some of the questions posted on this forum have me shaking my head! Either it's not that freaking important or go figure something out on your own! I was a greenhorn once and when I didn't have the answer to something, I either took a risk or did a trial run before a big hunt/fish trip.

Rant Over
Oh dude 2 ply all the way it's not even a question.