Setting Up Your Bow, DIY Style, by Jared Bloomgren

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho

For Weapons Month, Rokslide Prostaff member Jared Bloomgren submitted a good article on setting up your own bow.

Maybe you live a long way from a proshop or Jr.'s new braces just sucked the bank account dry or you're the type of guy who shampoos his own carpets; if so, then this article is for you!

Jared gives us his down-on-the farm method for setting up any compound bow from scratch that has served him very well in piling up the bone over the years.

Show us how a good farm boy gets it done, Jared!
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Nice and simple, good article. Ive been bow hunting for nearly two years now and have never seen a 'pro shop' let alone been in one haha. I had to do much the same as you and just make it up and learn as Im over 2 days drive from the nearest shop.
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Thanks guys! I appreciate the words! JP100 you know what I am talking about!

airlocksniffer, the Decree is a shooter for sure! Possibly one of my favorite PSE's of all time right next to the Full Throttle!
Nice article. Never seen a peep tied in that way but I'm going to do that. I've always come down the string then down the split strand. Your method looks cleaner and easier.
Thanks! Tying in the peep this way has worked very well for me. Puts less pressure on the peep and allows the string more freedom of movement if it is going to happen. And yes, looks much cleaner!
Great article! Thanks for posting this. I've been on the fence for years about purchasing a press, but this has me motivated again.
Thanks! Tying in the peep this way has worked very well for me. Puts less pressure on the peep and allows the string more freedom of movement if it is going to happen. And yes, looks much cleaner!

Having fits with my peep right now...Love this and will try it.

Great article....Are you using a bow vice for most of these adjustments. Any recommendations on functionality as it relates to these methods?
This is great. I always prefer to take care of my own items. It definitely gets me more acquainted and confident in the tools I use. The article is a great start and a huge help!