I hate vests, even though I used one pretty much from the early 2000s to about 2015 0r so. My setup is the Ol Tom vestless shirt. The one with the little call pockets on each side. Holds a couple pot calls, a locator on each side on lanyards and I use a leather mouth call case with any where...
I'm loading imr4895 behind a 150 Hdy for mine. Also tried imr4064 and thought about trying varget but the 4895 shot well enough I decided it was the one.
I've only used 95 ballistic tips and 100 gr interlocks. Both are great, but I'd have to say the 95 gr BTs are likely my pick. Purple meanies all the way
1st, 2nd and 3rd seasons usually have 100 percent draw and even leftover tags. 4th season usually takes a point where I apply. 4th has more demand because its much longer and usually a better time of the year to call lone gobblers
Brass prep of small lil 222 and 223 cases, especially if I'm doing a big batch for a prairie dog trip. Tedius stuff. Even worse if I need to trim them all first.
Took my 222 out last season during our antlerless season. Big doe, shot behind the shoulder at 150 yds or so. She ran maybe 40 yards. Used a 55 gr hornady spire point, bullet did not exit and I never found it but it made a mess out of her lungs. But with only a caliber sized entrance hole there...
Shot my first deer with a borrowed Marlin 30-30. The next year dad got me a 700 stainless/syn DM in 7mm-08 that I proceeded to stack deer up like cordwood with for the next 15 years. Still got it, but I use other rifles mostly. Just because I became a rifle nut.
Short range deer with a creedmoor,I'd think the 129 interlock would rival about anything else and be cheap. Whether you're buying factory or loading them.
Prepped a bunch of 223 brass. Got the urge for one of the new 8 twist Remmy 700s and I aim to scratch it soon. Just debating between blued of the stainless fluted version.
4350 and 100s in the 25-06 go together like politicians and other peoples money. At least they do in mine. I also like 110 accubonds and 115 partitions with IMR 4831.