300 savage for model 99


Oct 28, 2024
What is a good load for 300 savage in a savage model 99 lever action? I currently shoot 150 grain corelokt ammo. On hand I have 150 gr Hornady interlock bullets and varget and h414 powders that I use in other loads.
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I have an FN Deluxe in .300 Savage that Likes 165 Hornady BTSP loaded with IMR3031. That was the powder recommend to me by a friend who had loaded for the .300 Savage for decades.
I have an FN Deluxe in .300 Savage that Likes 165 Hornady BTSP loaded with IMR3031. That was the powder recommend to me by a friend who had loaded for the .300 Savage for decades.
Good to hear. I have noticed the imr 3031 is popular for 300 savage loads. I might get some to try that
I'm loading imr4895 behind a 150 Hdy for mine. Also tried imr4064 and thought about trying varget but the 4895 shot well enough I decided it was the one.
Funny you should ask. I'm currently sitting on some loads for the 300 Sav I worked up and am waiting for a non-snowy/frigid day to test them. I'm using the 150gr. Core Lokt (got a boatload of component bullets at an auction a few years ago) and Varget. From everything I've read, Varget is one of the premier powders for that cartridge. If that turns out not to work (doubtful), I can fall back to RE-15 or H4895. I'm loathe to use my stash of RE-15, as it's hard to find, expensive, and generally reserved for another caliber.
Funny you should ask. I'm currently sitting on some loads for the 300 Sav I worked up and am waiting for a non-snowy/frigid day to test them. I'm using the 150gr. Core Lokt (got a boatload of component bullets at an auction a few years ago) and Varget. From everything I've read, Varget is one of the premier powders for that cartridge. If that turns out not to work (doubtful), I can fall back to RE-15 or H4895. I'm loathe to use my stash of RE-15, as it's hard to find, expensive, and generally reserved for another caliber.
I like the sound of this load you came up with. I currently shoot core lokt factory ammo. Definitely interested to hear how they shoot for you and how many grains of powder worked best
I like the sound of this load you came up with. I currently shoot core lokt factory ammo. Definitely interested to hear how they shoot for you and how many grains of powder worked best
Yeah, the 300 and the Core Lokt just seem to go together! The factory ammo shot ok out of my rifle, like 1 3/4" at 100y. Certainly good enough or hunting ranges but the rifle should be capable of better. Mind you, mine is a short action 110, not a 99, so the reloading process isn't subject to some of the limitations you encounter with a lever gun. Should be able to stretch things out a bit and see what it'll really do.

Will reply back with the results!
I too am looking to reload for a Model 99 i 300 Sav. My model F is a 1954 build with a 24" barrel. What about a seating depth? I will check the Nosler Manuel. The limitation may be the overall length to fit in the rotary magazine. Don't want any feeding problems. I love this classic deer rifle, However, would like it to group a bit tighter then the 1 1/2" I'm getting with factory ammo.

I too am looking to reload for a Model 99 i 300 Sav. My model F is a 1954 build with a 24" barrel. What about a seating depth? I will check the Nosler Manuel. The limitation may be the overall length to fit in the rotary magazine. Don't want any feeding problems. I love this classic deer rifle, However, would like it to group a bit tighter then the 1 1/2" I'm getting with factory ammo.

Yah, you got that right. The limitation has typically been the magazine length. IIRC, max COAL is 2.600". Generally that's where you want to be, but a lot of times the cannelure on the bullet governs this. You have to (should) have a crimp on lever action rounds, so depending on the bullet you might be right at max or have to seat them deeper to be able to crimp. The loading manuals are really good at this.

Mine is a bolt gun, so no crimp necessary and I can technically seat to whatever the chamber will allow. For the load I referenced above, I did load them all to max COAL. We'll see!
50s era 99F with a 24” barrel
150 grain Sierra Pro Hunter over 40 gr of H4895 in Winchester brass gives me 2600 at the muzzle. I’ve killed a couple of dozen deer and a bunch of hogs with that load. The Sierra works well at .300 Savage speeds. The 150 gr Speer Mag Tip shoots really well out of my rifle too. They’re out of production but a box will pop up on gun broker every now and then.
No crimp necessary on a 99, since it has a rotary or box style magazine. Crimp is only necessary in a tube fed lever gun.