What is YOUR Small Caliber on Big Game Experience?

Please check the response that most accurately summarizes your experience or opinion (6mm and below)

  • I have not used a small caliber rifle on big game, but I am open to it

    Votes: 103 31.9%
  • I have not used a small caliber rifle on big game and I am opposed to it

    Votes: 14 4.3%
  • I have used a small caliber rifle on big game and I am in favor of it, I will continue to do so

    Votes: 196 60.7%
  • I have used a small caliber rifle on big game and I am opposed to it, I will not do it again

    Votes: 10 3.1%

  • Total voters


Jan 25, 2023
My intent with this poll is to conduct a survey of Rokslide users to estimate the prevalence and commonality of actual usage rates of small caliber on big game by members of the 'Slide. There is a number of Rokslide members who are vocal about being strongly in favor of the use of 6mm and smaller on big game. There is also a number of members that are strongly opposed to the idea. I am curious as to the actual percentages of members that feel one way or the other. I think there are a lot of members that feel more moderately one way or the other that don't participate in the routine debates.

I know this comes up constantly, and it may turn into another small vs large debate in the comments with many of the aforementioned vocal members, but selfishly, I would love to know how the votes stack up. So please choose honestly, and feel free to defend your vote in the comments, or don't, but I would appreciate your participation in the poll. How you vote is not public and you can change your vote later if you change your mind.

Thank you.
Smallest used so far is a 6.5cm gathering components for a 6mm cm, just waiting on my xlr chassis and I’ll put it together , have 0 reservations on using it on deer and elk sized game, but I generally hunt elk with a bow or muzzy so not sure when it will get the chance on an elk but should be gtg by November this year
@5811 the small caliber folks are quick to point out that its the bullet used, more so than the cartridge, and that if you match the wrong bullet to a small cartridge you will likely get the wrong impression. The poll doesnt really account for that, so its entirely possible the result is skewed as a result. If its not too late you might edit to specify bullets if you want to capture what the small cartridge advocates are actually saying.
223, 243, and soon to be 6mm Dasher. 8 out of 10 were bang flops. The first 2 were shot with 62 grain TSX in the 223 before I learned about the terminal performance aspects of TSX vs traditional and were shot behind the crease. Both were recovered in about 50 yds. Shots were from 60-236yds. The most dramatic results have been Speer 100 grain spbt and Hornady 105 amax near 2,800 fps impact velocity from the 243. Only Whitetails and one 268 pound boar hog.
Dozens and dozens and dozens of deer/bears/elk/moose between myself/buddies/spouses/kids.

223 and 223AI, with mono’s in 45/50/53/62, 75 Amax’s, and 88 ELD m’s.
243AI (105 Amax) and 6mm Remington (100gr Winchester psp) for likely triple digits of deer/elk/moose/bears.

The 88 ELD m is a great bullet, enough so that I built three 223AI’s around it. And am now going to build a 22 Creed throated for the 88 as my everything rifle.
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Let me get your thread started off with a post that shouldn’t slam it into a pissing match.

I’ll tell you a story from growing up in the NW corner of MT. The Kootenai is known (used to be known anyway) for big bull moose. Small calibers, and I mean tiny calibers, have been used on bull moose in Libby for decades. When some would draw a moose, they’d ask, “is 7mag big enough, is 300WM big enough, 338?…”. Well, we had an old timer in town that had killed (and helped lucky folks when they’d draw kill) many, many large bull moose… with a BB gun. You heard it. F-ck .223!… a BB gun.

I know. You don’t believe it. Well here’s how old Billy Bob Boothman did it. It was a combination of hunting skill and stalking, observing the animal’s behavior, and then taking the shot at the perfect time.

At that time, moose around Libby spent a lot of time feeding in ponds. You could routinely find them. Billy Bob would wait until the bull had his entire head under water feeding, then he’d shoot him. He’d shoot him right square in the nuts with the BB gun. The bull would obviously, “Snfff!!” and snort up so much water into his airway… that he’d drown. Dead bull. Zero meat loss. All with a f-cking BB gun.

@5811 the small caliber folks are quick to point out that its the bullet used, more so than the cartridge, and that if you match the wrong bullet to a small cartridge you will likely get the wrong impression. The poll doesnt really account for that, so its entirely possible the result is skewed as a result. If its not too late you might edit to specify bullets if you want to capture what the small cartridge advocates are actually saying.
Important distinction, if I was limited to mono’s only… I think I would get a 6.5prc, being able to use highly destructive bullets is key for the small caliber
@5811 the small caliber folks are quick to point out that its the bullet used, more so than the cartridge, and that if you match the wrong bullet to a small cartridge you will likely get the wrong impression. The poll doesnt really account for that, so its entirely possible the result is skewed as a result. If its not too late you might edit to specify bullets if you want to capture what the small cartridge advocates are actually saying.
I appreciate the response. It was something I considered including but chose to leave out to keep things simple. I really just want to get an idea as to how people on the site feel about the topic.

If I added qualifiers about bullet types then it would seem like I was trying to influence things one way or the other.
Didnt take the poll. Answer choices seem overly generalized.
Big game includes cougar, wolf, antelope, sitka blacktail, columbia blacktail, whitetail, mule deer, black bear, and on up in size.

Would I pick 6mm for moose, haven’t yet. Would I pick a 6mm for Sitka blacktail, yes I have.
Im a big fan of .22 hornet-22-250 for meat doe WT hunting. Close range precise shooting at relaxed animals. Top of the neck is my preferred aiming point, not many misses and when there is its a clean miss. But on the other side of things when after big antlers, I like thumpers, 300 WM 338WM 300 RUM 45-70. All about matching your goals to the weapon and living within its limitations. When a giant buck steps out at 250 yards with a 45-70 you wish him well.
Didnt take the poll. Answer choices seem overly generalized.
Big game includes cougar, wolf, antelope, sitka blacktail, columbia blacktail, whitetail, mule deer, black bear, and on up in size.

Would I pick 6mm for moose, haven’t yet. Would I pick a 6mm for Sitka blacktail, yes I have.
I understand, and I am sure you aren't the only person that will feel that way.

I kept the question and the responses simple intentionally. I didn't want to muddy the water with bullet types and impact velocity and shot placement and game size and density altitude and wind call variations on each vote. I just wanted to get a sense of the overall opinion or experiences of those on Rokslide who choose to vote.

Not everyone will want to choose one, and that's just fine.
@5811 the small caliber folks are quick to point out that its the bullet used, more so than the cartridge, and that if you match the wrong bullet to a small cartridge you will likely get the wrong impression. The poll doesnt really account for that, so its entirely possible the result is skewed as a result. If its not too late you might edit to specify bullets if you want to capture what the small cartridge advocates are actually saying.
Super important distinction there. The way the poll is worded, folks who shot deer with a 55 TSX out of a .223 or elk with an 85 Game King out of a .243 would (rightly) conclude that those are underwhelming terminal performers.

The small caliber folks (I am one) always say "bullets matter more than head stamps" for this reason. We are reporting outstanding terminal results using a very specific group of projectiles.

Admirable goal with the thread, I hope it stays somewhat on the rails.
My son shot 3 deer at 7yo this year with his 16" .223 and 77tmks. I shot 3 deer out of my 18" 6creed with 108EH, 108 ELDM, and a 95 BT. All dropped in sight. Not having to track one is a first for this year so I'm sticking with it. Plus toting those short rifles around is so much nicer and they suppress better.

However, i will be taking my 300prc with me on my elk hunt this year because I don't know the distance and it's the most accurate rifle I own. Could I do it with my 6creed or 6.5prc, I have no doubt. But I don't have to and a 215 Berger around 2950 will be devastating.

Switching to smaller calibers has made range time so much more fun and productive and I've become a better shot because of it. I shot the most last year that I have ever shot. North of 1200rds. No one would like to do with a large cartridge and at some point it's counterproductive.
What's a small caliber and what is big game. That is a very broad spectrum for both things.
I think a lot of folks here think of "small caliber" as 6mm and below? Maybe 6.5 and below? I think lots of folks maybe consider "deer" as the starting point for "large game" with antelope sized animals being "medium game"? I have no clue though.
I don’t get to whitetail hunt with small calibers due to regulations. I would certainly use them if I could and if I ever start traveling to hunt will use smaller calibers than I currently use.
Personal experience with big bullets reinforced, bullets matter, not headstamps.
Took my 222 out last season during our antlerless season. Big doe, shot behind the shoulder at 150 yds or so. She ran maybe 40 yards. Used a 55 gr hornady spire point, bullet did not exit and I never found it but it made a mess out of her lungs. But with only a caliber sized entrance hole there was no blood trail. Effective, but I'd likely use a heavier bullet in the future, which means a 223 as my deuce is a 14 twist. Also seen several deer shot with various 223s and bullets. I'll continue to use them off and on, but they won't replace my 270.
I’ve personally taken 5 deer with a 22-250 and it works wonderfully. Several others have used my loads on my recommendation in a 22-250 on deer with great success. I think 22 calibers with the right loads are wonderful low recoil game getters.