6 months of Kettlebells, plus eating really clean, and rucking 6 to 10 miles a week for the immediate 2 months before my hunt helped me lose 35lbs last year and prep for my elk hunt.
I went from the east coast to 9K ft elevation, kept up with the guide, and was quite happy with my physical...
We have our kids inheritance funds from their birth family in Market Linked CD's. FDI C insured, so they can't lose the principal, and the yearly interest rate earned has been 8% to 12%.
For a no risk investment, they have been fantastic!
I head to CO for 2nd rifle season tomorrow. Spending 4 days in the Springs area to get my body acclimated to the altitude.
My final weigh in at home this morning was 226. At Christmas last year I was 260lbs. Down 34 lbs in 10 months, alot stronger, and my endurance is greatly increased on the...
Never have been able to find enough 200 AB's to load, so I just stopped looking fro them.
I bought 500 rounds of the Norma Bondstrike ammo, and it seems to shoot that decently well basically 1 MOA.
I took it out to 500 yards today and everything was dead nuts, so I feel as ready for my next...
Getting ready for my first Elk hunt in 2 weeks (CO 2nd Season OTC Unit). I put a new stock on the 300 RUM, a Manners PH. And, I bought a dedicated scope for the RUM instead of moving scopes around onto it constantly. Mounted a Bushnell LRHS 2 to it.
Sighted it in Wednesday this week, and got an...
No, we didn't have any issues. We had the heads of the moose, and the guide filled out paperwork for us to bring back the meat.
At the border, I think the agents had us open one cooler, but didn't make us take the meat out of the bags.
Now, we did bring back boned in meat which techincally...
Hunted Newfoundland 2 times. A few recommendations:
Buy really good boots, and super good/tough rain gear. The Lacrosse Alphaburely boots were great for 2 hunts in Newfoundland.
First time I went, I took 3 sets of rain gear (Cabelas Rain Suede, Frogg Toggs, and another type I forgot). All 3...
Very nice! Yeah, this one has alot of original parts, but also many mods and slight DIY tweaks. Planning on driving it as is for a while, but definitely looking at options like stroking the motor, upgrading suspension, changing to a 5-speed manual, etc....
Lol, yeah I hit the "N" instead of "B" and didn't notice until after full send. Tried to edit as quickly as possible, lol.
I already have a decent whisky/bourbon collection so that would not be new 😝. So, car it is!
Ever since I was kid and saw Gone in 60 Seconds, and the first Fast and Furious movies, I always had an appreciation for American Muscle cars. Never got crazy into cars, but just held an appreciation for them.
This year, I decided it was time to own one. Set my sights on a 67 to 70 fastback...