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    $5k - $6k for a hunt….where would you go, what would you hunt?

    Mountain lion in Colorado with Lookin Up Outfitters Iowa muzzleloader with Midwest Antler Company OR,,,, Pronghorn in Wyo or NM with Pronghorn guide service
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    Looks like a good time to me! Congrats
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    Honda Rubicon vs Yamaha Kodiak 700 ES

    My new in 2022 grizzly came with a 10 year belt warranty, they are pretty proud of their drive system.
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    Honda Rubicon vs Yamaha Kodiak 700 ES

    I'd go with the yamaha, now mine is a grizzly 700, 2022 same as the Kodiak but slightly bigger chassis
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    Honda Rubicon vs Yamaha Kodiak 700 ES

    I own both, trail ride, yard work, hunting, they get used for all of it. The Honda is more a work horse its IRS but a much stiffer ride, the yamaha is much more comfortable and has more power. The yamaha transmission is much better than I thought it would be. Honda is good, but getting it into...
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    Planning a Mountian Lion Hunt and Have a Few Questions

    The hunt was awesome, I took 2 teenagers that had never seen the mountains. Conditions were not optimal, so although we chased a couple lions, it was basically dry ground and what snow they had was ice, so hard to keep on the track. The guys I hunted with were awesome and I'm going back next...
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    Buck in a truck

    Thats about how it goes...
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    Planning a Mountian Lion Hunt and Have a Few Questions

    Good info, heading to Colorado for my lion hunt in a few days, taking a 44 mag carbine
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    Rant - What happened to respect for other hunters???

    I think it's all a complete lack of respect for others in general. The world is now so much me me me me, and selfishness. Definitely not trending in the right direction, just remember, don't let those type people steal YOUR joy.
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    Shoot or pass

    Do yourself a favor, kill whatever gives you a clean shot. And then buy more tags and repeat the process. Most of all remember hunting is supposed to be fun and not a competition
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    Source for Southern, rust free, pickup parts?

    Southern Truck Parts, Almont Michigan. Have used them before, solid company. Im sure they can ship
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    Trophy bucks of Iowa and youth season

    Michigan has youth season, let my girls shoot does only. Next year the state is going to does only during youth hunt. I think it's a good idea, I've seen several young hunters go out first time, shoot a nice buck and from then on think hunting is too easy or quit all together. Just my .02
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    Pedestal mount

    Daaang, nice work!! Gotta have some ice water in your veins when you got something that cagey so close.
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    Guided Hunts for old people

    Good for you sir, get out and do it!!! I would call Bridger at Tri State Outfitters, im sure he can help you out
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    New Truck--Dependability

    Sound wisdom
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    Knowledgeable Harley folks.....

    Evo, made lots of em so parts aren't bad and they just plain work.
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    Yamaha or Honda ATV Recommendations

    I own a 17 Rubicon 500 with power steering, and 21 grizzly 700. The Honda is more geared towards hauling/towing/working. Power steering is awesome on any machine, also have the DCT transmission, if you want to go on long rides at steady speeds, much better than a belt transmission. The...
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    Kubota vs John Deere

    Kubota has always been the most tractor for your dollar, John deere might have better resale, but service and availability should be a big factor
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    Mule deer Wyoming Options?

    Gohunt has good info, type in your state, species and it will give you the draw odds, also has the average trophy quality by unit
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    Newberg says a $40 elk tag (or whatever it cost) is a $25,000 elk tag for residents.

    Let your wallet do the talking, don't like the price, don't buy. Yes there will be someone else to buy that tag, but eventually that person will get tired of paying and go elsewhere too.