Trophy bucks of Iowa and youth season

Michigan has youth season, let my girls shoot does only. Next year the state is going to does only during youth hunt. I think it's a good idea, I've seen several young hunters go out first time, shoot a nice buck and from then on think hunting is too easy or quit all together. Just my .02
Like I said, I'm all for starting kids hunting early, but having 5 and 6 year olds out there killing deer just gives me pause. This isn't target practice, and as hunters we're killing animals. I'm just not sure if kids that young actually understand what it means to take an animal's life. Idk, not my cup of tea I guess, and I'd rather see folks wait until kids are 8 or older so they're a little more developed mentally.
I was just talking to a buddy the other day about this. We know a total of 3 people that went out youth hunting, shot a monster, and haven’t hunted since cuz how do you top that?
Randomly stumbled across this thread. I am one of the owners of TBI and youd be shocked at the photos we get sent and decline to share. I myself have a 5 ear old daughter who goes with me often, but I cant imagine her hunting herself until 7 or 8 when she can grasp what shes doing now. each their own and im not sure how they have raised their kids etc.

having said all that........glad to see you on TBI:)
Randomly stumbled across this thread. I am one of the owners of TBI and youd be shocked at the photos we get sent and decline to share. I myself have a 5 ear old daughter who goes with me often, but I cant imagine her hunting herself until 7 or 8 when she can grasp what shes doing now. each their own and im not sure how they have raised their kids etc.

having said all that........glad to see you on TBI:)
Welcome to RS! This is an incredible place to learn about all things Western hunting, shooting, etc... Being an Iowa native, my mind was blown with much of the content on here from other folks from across the country, and my beliefs and "facts" have been challenged and proven wrong many times. On here folks destroy fudd lore with facts and data, and it's been a pleasure reading and contributing.

I appreciate your perspective on the youth hunts, and keep up the good work! TBI is a very cool place to check the latest and greatest bucks and deer hunting in Iowa.
I have a 5 year old son who tags along, I’m not going to let him shoot anything deer, turkey, rabbit etc until he’s at least 8. And that depends on how things look when he’s 8.. there’s no way any of these kids understand what is going on not to mention some of these dads who have their kids looking for mature bucks on youth hunts.. I remember carrying a BB gun everywhere and I had to handle it in a safe manner until I was 9 and was allowed to take my first deer. Too
Many dads doing it for the gram these days and I would wager it’ll backfire long term.
My 8 year old son has been out with me a bunch of times, but this is going to be the first season that he gets to shoot. I think he was mentally ready for it last season, but he is small for his age, and I didn't want him handling a gun in a hunting situation until he could do everything safely and on his own. He has been pretty comfortable at the range for a while, but things change when adrenaline gets involved.
Dad let me go with him starting at 6yo but wouldn't let me shoot anything until I was legal to do it . That means purchasing a junior tag. 12 for bow and small game 16 for gun big game . Learned a lot in 6 years. My first bow buck at 12 went like this. " I've given you enough information to be dangerous, now go show me that you have listened to what I said" . I scouted a 350ac parcel, picked my tree, humped my Baker treestand in, and set up. I was dragging a spike to the truck at dark. that spring I called in his an my turkey. After the spring hunt he told me
"this is not a competition between you and other people it's a competion between you and the animal. You hunt for the satisfaction and peace it brings to you and you only. No one else really gives 2 chits and only you will really appreciate the hunt to the fullest extent".

I can't remember what I wore to work last Monday or had for dinner, but I can in detail tell you about every hunt or fishing trip. LOL . The 6 years of learning before I could hunt provided me with the value of what it takes to earn something and how nothing comes for free. My opinion only but theres a little to much sense of entitlement, instant gratification, and look at me going on with the younger crowd these days. A little humility would go a long ways.

As far as those shooting on the kids tags, I'll just say it wasn't the way I was brought up and leave it at that.
I can't remember what I wore to work last Monday or had for dinner, but I can in detail tell you about every hunt or fishing trip. LOL . The 6 years of learning before I could hunt provided me with the value of what it takes to earn something and how nothing comes for free. My opinion only but theres a little to much sense of entitlement, instant gratification, and look at me going on with the younger crowd these days. A little humility would go a long ways.
^^^^This right here... (y)