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  1. H

    Rebecca's 2011 # 3 P&Y Dall Sheep in the world premiers Sunday 9/9/12

    holy crap.... that was her. Congrats Becca on an awesome Sheep! I watched that this morning and kept saying "I think that's her, I think that's her". Helluva hunt and shot. Way to represent for all the women hunters out there and men for that matter.
  2. H

    No coffee?

    Thanks on the lid. I was looking for something to drink out of and I found this: I think it will work. Stove, windscreen, fuel bottle, lighter and coffee all fit inside.
  3. H

    No coffee?

    Becca, where did you get a vented lid for a single walled Snow Peak? I'm searching hard to find a single walled cup/mug you can use directly over a flame that has a lid. Snow Peaks current lids only work on the double walled mugs which can't take the flame. Thanks
  4. H

    what energy gels/snackshydration supplements are you using?

    for a quick energy source I pretty much love all of the hammer gel flavors. During my recent trip I always found I was digging for that ziplock with the mixed nuts in it. I think I was needing the sodium. I'm currently looking into these as something to be taken "as required". Otherwise for...
  5. H

    Rokslide 2012 Extreme Challenge

    Well at least 4 of you made it. I would had loved to join but by that time I already had 2 1/2 weeks in the mtns and had to return home. As it was I already had summit (13) 14ers in (10) days with upwards of 47,500' of elevation gain. I'm not sure a 28 mile day was in the cards. How was the...
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    Rokslide 2012 Extreme Challenge

    CRAP! Now I wish I was gonna be there a day longer so I get one of those cool shirts :(
  7. H

    Rokslide 2012 Extreme Challenge

    Montrails for me. I have a pair of Masochist lows and mids and love them both.,default,sc.html
  8. H

    Post Your Workout

    that 5/3/1 is a top knotch routine. Good choice! There is so much to be said for picking a professionally built program and sticking to it. Another one of my favorites is Starr's 5x5. I love the 5x5 programs.
  9. H

    Mountain biking pictures, post up.

    end of the road.... circa July 2011 in north central Colorado. Unbelievable amount of snow left last summer.
  10. H

    Rokslide 2012 Extreme Challenge

    hmmm.... bummer. Unfortunately mid day on the 14th is when the truck must be pointed eastward and I start my drive back to reality. Looks like I'll miss you by a week as I have Maroon, North Maroon & Pyramid schedule on the Saturday before so I'd be in the area. As I understand it the road gets...
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    Post Your Workout

    I've cycled through this program at least a half dozen times, maybe more. I like the lifts, I like the weight, I like the reps. I guess I just like pretty much all of it. I try and leave all my lifting routines up to the professionals. They know way more than I do about creating a program...
  12. H

    For you back country coffee lovers.....

    dotman, lol, don't worry, been there. It was about 4:00am, western Nebraska, I had been driving since 7:00pm the night before. We (dog and I) I fueled up, grabbed a fricken gallon size of truck stop slop and went on our way. He needed to stretch and do his thing so we pulled off to the side of...
  13. H

    For you back country coffee lovers.....

    50 count might be a little much for a week or 2 trip but it's always nice to have some around the desk at work as well. I've gotten accustomed to keeping a few in the truck when traveling from WI to CO too. Nothing worse than truck stop coffee at 3:00 am. I'll just grab some hot water or nuke...
  14. H

    For you back country coffee lovers.....

    Just thought I'd share this with you guys that like coffee as much as I do while in the middle of nowhere. I've fallen partial to the Via just because of the ease of use, taste and simpleness of the whole process. This is a pretty good price on the stuff that I came across while gathering...
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    Rokslide 2012 Extreme Challenge

    It looks like I might have to pass. I've run into quite the little logistical predicament. I've got roughly 17 days of vacation planned. 1 day to drive there, 1 day to drive home and 1 day of acclimation in Grand Lake and RMNP. Toss in 2.5-3 days of hanging around North park and the upper Poudre...
  16. H

    Name that poop:)

    Man, it looks awful big for yote. If in North central Colorado I'd lean towards wolf. I know they exist there because I've seen one with my own 2 eyes. Huh, come to think of it that's about the time the elk totally vacated a couple units I hunt there. Me still stickin with wolf!
  17. H

    Plastic Boots?

    These are on sale:
  18. H

    Dedicated Video Camera vs Camera with Video Capability?

    I've been doing some research on the Sonys. Hands down they appear to be the best choice. I like them for there size, lens choices and just an all around great looking camera. You can save some cash if 1080 isn't a requirement. I picked up a JVC Everio last fall for under $175 for video only...
  19. H

    Any recomendations for solar power

    Thanks Becca, that's a good option and I'll have to look into those alittle more. Being able to take something already charged and then just let it top off weather/sunny skies permitting would be great. I don't think I'd want just a power pack or battery pack. I like the idea of solar, it's...
  20. H

    Any recomendations for solar power

    I'm in the market for a solar panel to be used while backpacking. The main objective would be to charge a GPS, MP3 player, AA or AAA batteries or similar device. Not all at once of course but one a time. I've just started the research and Goal Zero stuff keeps coming up. Anyone use this stuff...